BCG Pymetrics Test: Step-By-Step Guide (2024)

BCG Pymetrics Test

The BCG Pymetrics test is a 20 to 30-minute online pre-interview screening test consisting of 12 mini-games that assess 91 cognitive traits such as decision-making, risk tolerance, and attention.


The results of your BCG Pymetrics test may determine whether or not you are extended a first round interview, so it is important that you take this test seriously and do your best on it.


If you are stressed out about your upcoming BCG Pymetrics test, don’t worry because we have you covered. We will teach you everything you need to know about the BCG Pymetrics test, including how to prepare for it and step-by-step strategies for each of the 12 mini-games.


If you want to practice each of the 12 mini-games beforehand to ensure that there are no surprises on test day, check out JobTestPrep’s Pymetrics simulation games. These games simulate the actual games you’ll play on test day.


What is the BCG Pymetrics Test?


The BCG Pymetrics test is a pre-interview screening test taken on a computer or smartphone, consisting of 12 mini-games that take 1-3 minutes each. It assesses 91 cognitive traits including attention: decision making, effort, fairness, focus, generosity, and risk tolerance.

BCG Pymetrics Test Overview


The online test was created in partnership with Pymetrics, a company that leverages behavioral science and artificial intelligence technology to help companies build diverse teams of top performers without bias.


In addition to BCG, companies such as McDonalds, JPMorgan, Unilever, and PwC also use a Pymetrics test in their interview process.


BCG claims that their Pymetrics test is customized for their firm. However, it appears that the test is the same as other Pymetrics tests used by other companies. The only customization is likely in the assessment mechanics that BCG has customized.


The BCG Pymetrics test is similar to McKinsey's Solve assessment or PwC's assessment tests in that it is BCG’s version of an innovative, digital assessment.


Overall, the BCG Pymetrics games will feel similar to exercises from brain training apps. The different games you’ll see are simple and intuitive. You will not need any prior business knowledge or video game playing experience to do well.


Examples of potential games you may see include:


  • A memory exercise to see how many digits you can memorize and recall


  • A focus exercise in which you are shown a series of different colored shapes and asked to tap the keyboard only when you see a particular shape or color


  • An emotional intelligence exercise in which you are shown pictures of people’s faces and text with information. You are asked to determine what emotion is being displayed


  • A fairness exercise involving distributing money across a group. You are asked to judge how fair the distribution of money is under different circumstances


  • A prioritization exercise to see how you handle choosing tasks based on their difficulty and payoffs


  • A risk tolerance game in which you earn points by pumping a balloon with air, earning more points as the balloon gets fuller. However, you lose points if the balloon bursts   


  • A problem solving game in which you are asked to make a pattern of colors match another pattern of colors using the fewest number of moves


To see what all 12 of these mini-games actually look and feel like, you can practice each game through JobTestPrep’s Pymetrics Assessment Games.


It is important to note that the BCG Pymetrics Test is a computer-adaptive test. It will adjust the conditions of each game that you are playing based on your behavior in order to further determine and measure your personal qualities.


Therefore, the experience that you get with the BCG Pymetrics Test may be different from another candidate based on the specific actions you took during the assessment.

In addition to the BCG Pymetics test, you may also be given a BCG online case or chatbot interview.


Who is required to take the BCG Pymetrics Test?


The BCG Pymetrics test is required for all applicants of BCG offices in the United States and in a few other regions, this includes undergraduates, MBA candidates, PhD candidates, and experienced hires.


The invitation to take the test will come after the resume is submitted, but before first round interviews.


A candidate’s resume, BCG cover letter, referral, and the results of the BCG Pymetrics test are all factors in determining whether the candidate will receive an interview.


What does the BCG Pymetrics Test assess?


The BCG Pymetrics test uses data science and algorithms to assess 91+ cognitive traits across 9 categories: attention, decision making, effort, emotion, fairness, focus, generosity, learning, and risk tolerance.

BCG Pymetrics Test evaluation criteria


  • Attention: Are you methodical in the way you complete tasks? Or do you prefer moving with speed?


  • Decision Making: Do you make decisions based on gut-instinct and intuition? Or do you make decisions by planning methodically?


  • Effort: Do you approach work selectively? Do you focus on the tasks that give the highest reward for the time invested?


  • Emotion: Do you interpret emotions more from facial expressions or from information present in the situation?


  • Fairness: Do you judge most situations as fair or unfair?


  • Focus: Do you think quickly and easily handle changes in environment? Can you work on multiple tasks at once? Can you adapt to changing circumstances with efficiency?


  • Generosity: Are you more focused on achieving personal goals or sharing resources willingly with others?


  • Learning: Do you learn quickly from mistakes? Do you find it easy to detect patterns in your environment? Do you adapt your behavior and respond to feedback with ease?


  • Risk Tolerance: Do you carefully test options and choose the safest method? How averse are you to negative outcomes?


Each of these categories has a wide spectrum of extremes. For example, looking at risk tolerance, some candidates may be extremely risk-averse while other candidates may be the complete opposite, risk-seeking.


The BCG Pymetrics Test will place you on a spectrum for each of these nine categories, which creates your own unique profile. Your profile will be compared with high performers at BCG. The more closely your qualities match with high performers at BCG, the more promising you look as a potential hire.


After taking the BCG Pymetrics Test, you’ll receive a Traits report that documents your personal traits, noting which particular qualities are most unique to you. For example, your results may indicate that your risk tolerance is high or that your emotional intelligence is low.


So, what qualities should you focus on demonstrating during the BCG Pymetrics Test?


In general, successful consultants have the following qualities:


  • Attention: Consultants need to be methodical, but also move with speed.


  • Decision Making: Consultants make decisions by planning methodically. Although gut-instinct and intuition is used, these feelings need to be supported by data to move forward.


  • Effort: Consultants are selective in how they approach work. They focus on completing tasks that give the highest rewards for the given amount of time invested.


  • Emotion: Consultants need to have great client skills. It is important to be able to read people’s emotions to understand what they are truly thinking and feeling.


  • Fairness: Consultants need to be able to mediate conflict while working on teams. Therefore, it is important that consultants can identify instances that may not be perceived of as fair in order to mitigate conflict before it happens.


  • Focus: Consultants need to quickly and easily handle changes in the environment. They need to be able to adapt. Consultants will often be working on multiple tasks at once.


  • Generosity: Consultants work closely in small teams. Great consultants are team players and make personal sacrifices to benefit the team.


  • Learning: Consultants need to be able to learn quickly, adapting their behavior and responding to feedback with ease.


  • Risk Tolerance: Consultants are fairly risk-averse. They carefully test their options and usually provide recommendations that tend to be more conservative and less controversial.


Remember, these are general guidelines on what qualities make a successful consultant. There are many examples of high performing consultants that do not have these exact qualities.


If your results from the BCG Pymetrics Test are different from these qualities, this does not mean that you did not pass the test. Remember, BCG wants to hire a wide range of different thinkers, so the qualities that make you unique can also make you an attractive candidate.


Why does BCG use the Pymetrics Test?


There are seven reasons why BCG is using the Pymetrics Test.


1. The BCG Pymetrics Test is an automated way to screen candidates


BCG does not have the resources to interview every candidate that applies. By using an automated online assessment, BCG can quickly screen through tens of thousands of applications each year.


2. The BCG Pymetrics Test measures personal qualities beyond what is listed on resumes


While a resume may provide a lot of information on a candidate’s skills and accomplishments, it provides very little information on a candidate’s personal qualities and characteristics. The BCG Pymetrics Test gives recruiters additional information and data on candidates to make more informed decisions on who should receive interviews.


3. BCG wants different types of thinkers on its consulting teams


BCG wants to have different types of thinkers on its consulting teams. They believe that there are five different potential environments that businesses face and that each requires a different strategy and type of leadership to succeed.


Therefore, BCG can use the Pymetrics Test to ensure that it hires a wide range of different types of thinkers in order to help their clients thrive in any business environment.


4. The BCG Pymetrics Test will help BCG increase job acceptance, improve job performance, and increase employee retention


One of the goals of Pymetrics is to help candidates find jobs that best fit them. The better a job fits a candidate, the more likely the candidate is to accept the job offer, perform well on the job, and stay at the company for a longer period of time. The BCG Pymetrics Test can help BCG improve these.


5. The BCG Pymetrics Test reduces bias in the hiring process


BCG previously used the BCG Potential Test, which is a traditional math-oriented exam, to screen candidates. A big issue with this exam is that it puts candidates with lower socio-economic backgrounds at a disadvantage.


Since the BCG Potential Test has standardized problems, it can be mastered through practice and memorization. Therefore, candidates from higher socio-economic backgrounds can dedicate resources to study the test and improve their performance. Candidates from lower socio-economic backgrounds typically do not have the resources to do this, which puts them at a disadvantage.


The BCG Pymetrics Test aims to remove these biases. The test cannot be as easily mastered through extensive preparation or memorization, helping even the playing field for candidates.


6. BCG wants to improve the recruiting process for candidates


The BCG Pymetrics Test helps make the recruiting process more engaging and less intimidating for candidates. An online assessment comprised of a series of short games is much more fun and approachable than a multiple-choice exam.  


7. The BCG Pymetrics Test is good marketing for BCG


Standardized tests to screen candidates have been used for decades at consulting firms. By launching the BCG Pymetrics Test, BCG is demonstrating that it is an innovative and forward-thinking consulting firm.


This may help give BCG’s brand a slight edge when it comes to recruiting candidates that have cross-offers from multiple top-tier consulting firms.


How important is the BCG Pymetrics Test?


BCG says that the Pymetrics test is used as an inclusion tool to complement other elements of the recruiting process, meaning that you will not be rejected based on results. They say that it will never be used as a filter to screen out candidates.


From speaking to consultants at BCG, there seems to be a consensus that the BCG Pymetrics Test is not necessarily being used to disqualify candidates, but it is being used as an additional data point in support of interviewing certain candidates.


So, it is still important to try to do well on the BCG Pymetrics Test because it is an opportunity to add a strong data point to your application on why you deserve to get an interview spot.


If you do not get an interview from BCG, it is likely due to your resume, not solely your performance on the test. However, if you score very well on particular qualities in the BCG Pymetrics Test, this could improve your overall application and push you over to getting an interview if your resume is on the borderline.


The BCG Pymetrics test is important in that doing well on it can help you land an interview spot. However, it is not the most important component of your application. Crafting an outstanding resume and getting referrals from inside are much more important factors.


Anecdotally, there have been candidates that scored in the bottom quartile of particular qualities and still received offers from BCG.


How does BCG use the results from the BCG Pymetrics Test?


After taking the BCG Pymetrics test, your results will be compared with high performers at BCG. The more closely your qualities match with high performers at BCG, the more promising you look as a potential hire.


If you are a close match, this is another data point that recruiters will look favorably on when deciding who to extend first round interviews to. This will especially be helpful for candidates that are applying from non-target schools.


The BCG Pymetrics Test is a powerful tool that helps BCG identify promising candidates from non-target schools where they normally don’t have the time or resources to recruit at.


Candidates that aren’t a close match with high performing consultants at BCG, but are a close match with other job functions (e.g., analytics, research) may be directed to apply to alternative, non-consulting roles at the company.


Therefore, BCG can also use the Pymetrics test to help hire for important non-consulting roles.


What games are in the BCG Pymetrics test?



There are 12 games in the BCG Pymetrics test:


  • Keypresses


  • Balloons


  • Digits


  • Easy or Hard


  • Stop


  • Cards


  • Arrows


  • Lengths


  • Towers


  • Faces


  • Money exchange 1


  • Money exchange 2


While BCG says that there are no wrong or right answers to these games, there are certainly some answers that are preferred over others.


For each game, we’ll cover exactly what to expect and our recommendation for how you should play and what strategies to employ.


After reading our recommended strategy for each mini-game, we recommend practicing using these strategies so that you can perform better on the actual test day. JobTestPrep’s Pymetrics Assessment Games can help you further refine and hone your Pymetrics test strategies.


1. Keypresses game


You’ll be tasked to press a key, such as the spacebar, as fast as possible until told to stop. You will begin tapping after you see the word “GO” and you will stop tapping after you see the word “STOP.”


This game assesses your attention and focus.


Recommended strategy: Make sure that you do not start tapping the key until you see “GO.” When preparing to tap the key, keep your finger as close to the key as you can. When tapping, exert a downward force, but do not lift your finger off the key. This will slow your keypresses down. As soon as you see “STOP,” think about lifting your finger off the key as high as you can. This will make your finger come off more quickly, reducing the likelihood that you press the key after the “STOP.”


2. Balloons game

BCG Pymetrics Test Balloons


You will be shown a balloon that you can either sell right now or pump up. The more you pump the balloon, the bigger it will get, and the more you will be able to sell it for. However, if you pump the balloon too many times, it will pop, causing you to not receive any money.


This is repeated for 20-40 balloons. Do note that balloons will come in different colors and that each colored balloon will pop after a different number of times they are pumped.


This game assesses risk tolerance and learning.


Recommended strategy: To extract the most amount of money, you’ll need a rough sense for how many pumps it takes for each balloon color to pop. So, for the first 1-2 balloons of each color, keep pumping them until they pop. Record the number of pumps it takes before they pop.


Afterwards, for each balloon color, stay 1-2 pumps below the lowest number of pumps you counted that it took for that balloon color to pop. If balloons of a particular color are still popping, then lower the number of pumps by another 1-2.


3. Digits game


You’ll be shown a sequence of digits to memorize. The digits will appear one at a time. After all digits have appeared, you’ll be tasked to enter the digits in the order that you saw them. With each correct sequence, the next sequence will get longer. The game lasts until you hit 3 incorrect sequences.


This game assesses focus and attention.


Recommended strategy: This is a pure memorization game. As the digits appear, it may be helpful to “sing” each digit out loud. This actually makes remembering the digits easier if you string them into a digits song.


Alternatively, you can try to write the digits down as they appear, though they will appear very quickly. This strategy may be challenging to do, so you may be better off actually trying to just memorize the digits.


Another strategy is to record your screen using a phone. You can then playback the video to get the digits. However, we don’t recommend that you do this because it defeats the purpose of the game.


4. Stop game


The screen will flash either a green or red circle. You are tasked to press a key to respond to one color and do nothing for another color. This is repeated 15-20 times.


This game assesses focus and attention.


Recommended strategy: Make sure that you know which color you are supposed to press a key for once it appears. Ignore all other colors that appear on the screen. Depending on how sharp your reflexes are, you may want to consider adding a little bit of buffer to your key press to make sure that you don’t actually press a key when the wrong color is shown.


5. Cards game


There are four decks that you can draw cards from. Each card will cause you to lose or gain money. You can draw from any deck at any time. You will draw about 30-40 cards in total during the game. Your goal is to finish with the most amount of money that you can.


This game assesses learning, focus, attention, and decision making.


Recommended strategy: The key to this game is to identify patterns in the cards. Certain decks will give higher amounts of money. However, this will change as the game progresses. So, you’ll always want to be checking on all the decks to see which one is best at that moment in time.


In the beginning of the game, take 2 cards from each deck. Based on this, start continuously taking cards from the deck that gave you the highest amount of money.


However, every 4-5 cards that you take, you’ll want to take a card from each of the other decks to check if they are giving more money.


If you notice that the money in your deck is decreasing, you may want to check on the other decks earlier to see if they are giving more money.


6. Lengths game


In the instructions of the game, you will be shown two images. These images are identical except for one small difference in length of a particular image element. For example, you may be shown two faces, one with a slightly bigger mouth and one with a slightly smaller mouth.


You are tasked to select the image with either the longer or shorter mouth. This will be repeated 15-20 times. When you select the correct image, you may be given money or shown a green checkmark to indicate that you were correct.


However, sometimes when you select the correct image, you will not be shown or given anything, making you unsure if you selected the right image.


This game assesses attention, decision making, and focus.


Recommended strategy: To succeed in this game, you need to memorize what the two different images look like so that you can identify the correct image when shown the pair. It will be very challenging to tell the images apart because they look so similar, but do your best to pick up on any subtle differences.


Once the game starts, trust your gut and instinct on selecting the right image. Spending more time making the decision will most likely not improve your accuracy in this game.


Also, ignore the feedback you are given after each selection. Remember, you are not always told that you are correct, even if you select the correct answer each time. So, don’t change your strategy or selections just because you did not get confirmation that your selection was correct.


7. Towers game


You’ll be shown three towers of stacked color discs. You are tasked to rearrange these discs, moving one disc at a time until a specified tower looks like the target tower. The fewer moves you use, the better.


This game assesses decision making and attention.


Recommended strategy: Avoid moving discs randomly. You should spend at least 30 seconds planning out your moves in advance so that you don’t waste unnecessary moves. Don’t plan for too long though because you only have 2 minutes to complete this game.


First, identify which of the three towers should contain the final rearranged tower. Next, start planning how you can remove discs from that tower to get the first correct disc in place. Then, move on from the bottom up to construct the final rearranged tower.


8. Arrows game

BCG Pymetrics Test Arrows


You’ll be given a row of arrows that are pointing in a particular direction. The arrows will be colored either red, blue, or black. If the arrows are blue or black, you are tasked to tap the direction of the arrows. If the arrows are red, you are tasked to tap the reverse of the arrows. This will be repeated 15-20 times. Each time, you will only need to press a direction key once.


This game assesses focus and attention.


Recommended strategy: One strategy is to focus on looking at the arrow in the middle. If the arrows are blue or black, all you need to do is tap the arrow direction that the arrows face. If the arrows are red, make sure you pause for a second to determine what the reverse arrow direction is before pressing it.


9. Tasks game

BCG Pymetrics Test Tasks


You are given the choice of completing an easy task or a hard task in a round. An easy task may require you to tap a key a number of times in a given period of time (e.g., 5 taps in 3s). The hard task requires tapping a higher number of times for a longer period of time (e.g., 50 taps in 12s). The easy task and hard tasks will pay different amounts of money, with the hard task generally paying more.


In addition, for each round, there is a percentage chance of winning. This indicates the likelihood that you will earn the amount of money indicated for each task upon successful completion. Both the easy and hard task will have the same percentage chance of winning in a round.


You have 2min total to collect as much money as you can.


This game assesses decision making, effort, focus, attention, and risk tolerance.


Recommended strategy: One strategy of playing this game is to focus on prioritization. To determine whether to pick an easy or hard task, you need to look at the difference in payouts and the likelihood of success. If the hard task pays much more than the easy task and the percentage chance of winning is high, you should pick the hard task.


Conversely, if the hard task pays only a little more than the easy task and the percentage chance of winning is low, you should pick the easy task. This strategy will help you demonstrate that you can prioritize properly.


A second strategy of playing this game is to ignore the chance of winning altogether. Since it impacts both easy and hard tasks, it actually does not matter what the chance of winning is.


Instead you should pick the task that has the highest amount of money earned per second. For example, if the easy task pays $1 for 5s of work but the hard task pays $3 for 12s of work, then you should pick the hard task because it has a higher $/s.


10. Faces game


You will get an image of a person and a paragraph providing context for that image. You are tasked to choose the correct emotion being portrayed among 10 answer choices.


This game assesses emotion.


Recommended strategy: Much like how consultants do work, you should prioritize using facts to make your decision. So, use the information in the paragraph of context provided to narrow your answer choices. Then, you can use your gut, feelings, and emotion to pick the correct answer among the remaining list.


Although tempting, you don’t want to solely rely on using your gut, feelings, and emotion to select the answer. Always start by reading the paragraph that provides context.


11. Money game 1


You will be given an amount of money at the start of the game. You can give some, all, or none of it to a partner, who will receive triple the amount. In return, the partner may give back some, all, or none of that money. The partner is not an actual person, but a computer that will be making the decision. You’ll then judge how fair the money exchange was from a scale of 1 (not fair) to 10 (fair).


This game assesses risk tolerance, generosity, and fairness.


Recommended strategy: We recommend giving anywhere from 20-30% of your money to your partner. You don’t want to give zero because that shows that you are not generous or trusting. You also don’t want to give all your money because that is seen as risky. Consultants are generally cautious and try to minimize risk, so giving between 20-30% reflects this.


For the money exchange to be truly fair, your partner should give you back half of the net winnings. For example, if you give your partner $2, then they will receive $6. For fairness, they should give you back your $2 and then also give you half of the net winnings of $4. So, they should give back $4.


If your partner gave you back $3, then they gave you back 75% of what they should have. Therefore, you can score this a 7 or 8 out of 10 for fairness.


If your partner gave you back $2, then they gave you back 50% of what they should have. In this case, you can score this a 5 out of 10 for fairness.


12. Money game 2


At the start of the game, both you and your partner each get $5. Each round, either you or your partner will receive $5. You will then have to decide how much money to give or take from your partner. Again, your partner in this game is a computer that will be making the decisions. This game is played for two rounds. You’ll then judge how fair the money exchange was from a scale of 1 (not fair) to 10 (fair).


This game assesses generosity and fairness.


Recommended strategy: You want to display characteristics of generosity and fairness, so you should always give or take money such that the total dollar amounts between you and your partner are equal. For example, if you are given $5, then you should give $2.50 to your partner. If your partner receives $5, then you should take $2.50 from your partner.


Playing this way, you can rate the fairness of the money exchange as 10 out of 10 since both you and your partner end with the same amount of money.


How to Prepare for the BCG Pymetrics Test


There are four steps to prepare for the BCG Pymetrics test: understand what BCG is looking for, familiarize yourself with the games, develop a strategy for each game, and practice each game.


1. Understand what BCG is looking for


Before taking the BCG Pymetrics Test, it may be helpful to review what qualities BCG is looking for in candidates. You can re-read the “What Does the BCG Pymetrics Test Assess?” section of this article to refresh yourself on what qualities make a consultant successful.


2. Familiarize yourself with the games


Next, make sure that you are familiar with each of the 12 games. This will make you feel much more comfortable and confident on test day because you’ll know exactly what to expect. There should be no surprises for you.


3. Develop a strategy for each game


Simply knowing what the games are is not enough. To truly excel at the BCG Pymetrics test, you’ll need to develop a strategy for each game. This will give you the best chance of scoring well on them.


4. Practice each game


After developing a strategy for each of the 12 games, it is helpful to practice using these strategies in the games itself. While you aren’t able to take the exact BCG Pymetrics Test that you’ll be taking on test day, there are simulations of it that are quite realistic.


You can practice the BCG Pymetrics Test through JobTestPrep’s Pymetrics Assessment Games. This is the only realistic practice simulation that currently exists. It is the closest thing to experiencing the actual BCG Pymetrics Test.


By practicing your strategies, you’ll be able to see what works and what doesn’t work. Through this, you’ll be able to adapt, refine, or improve your strategies.


BCG Pymetrics Test Tips


Follow the BCG Pymetrics Test tips below to give yourself the best chance of performing well.


1. Request an accommodation if you need one for dyslexia, ADHD, or color blindness


BCG will provide accommodations, such as extra time, if you have a relevant disability. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain a slight edge over your competitors.


2. Take the test when you are well rested


The games in the BCG Pymetrics Test may be simple, but can be mentally exhausting. Therefore, you want to take the test when your mind is fresh and sharp. You will need to be able to think and react quickly in each of the games.


3. Make sure you understand the instructions of each game


Although the BCG Pymetrics Test is a timed assessment, you will not be timed when you are reading the instructions for each game. Therefore, take your time and make sure that you fully understand how the game works and what the goal or objective is.


4. Develop a strategy before starting the game


Since you will not be timed when you are reading the instructions of each game, develop a strategy during this time. Try to predict what problems you may face and how you will deal with or react to these challenges. This way, when the game starts, you’ll be making decisions according to some sort of plan rather than making uneducated guesses.


5. Adapt your strategy if needed


During the game, pay attention to all of the details. How is your strategy performing? What could you be doing better? You may need to change your strategy halfway through a game if you observe new information.


It can be difficult to adapt your strategy live during the actual assessment. So, we recommend practicing each of the 12 games beforehand. JobTestPrep’s Pymetrics Assessment Games provide realistic simulation and practice for all 12 of the BCG Pymetrics mini-games.


6. Take a break if needed in-between games


Although the BCG Pymetrics test is timed, there is no timer in-between mini-games when you are given instructions to read for the upcoming game. Therefore, if you need a break, you can take one in-between any of the games. There is no penalty for doing this.


7. Take the test seriously 


There are no re-takes for this online assessment. Once you have taken the BCG Pymetrics test, you will not be able to take it again for 330 days.


Where to get practice for the BCG Pymetrics test


While it can be helpful to find brain training games that are similar to the BCG Pymetrics test, the best way to improve is to practice the actual mini-games that you’ll see on test day. 


JobTestPrep's Pymetrics Simulation provides a realistic BCG Pymetrics test simulation that includes all 12 mini-games. In addition to practice, they also provide further guides and tips for each mini-game.

Land Your Dream Consulting Job

Here are the resources we recommend to land a BCG consulting offer:


For help landing consulting interviews



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  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



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