Case Competitions: Step-By-Step Guide to Winning (2024)

Case competitions

Case competitions are extraordinary opportunities for participants to get consulting experience, develop consulting skills, build their consulting resume, and potentially win prizes.


If you’re considering entering a case competition and want to know how to give yourself the best chance of winning, then this article is for you.


I’m a former Bain Manager that has judged several case competitions. In this comprehensive article, I’ll cover what is a case competition, why participate in one, a list of 50+ case competitions, and a step-by-step guide to winning any case competition.


What is a Case Competition?


A case competition is an event where students or working professionals work in teams to solve a real-world business problem within a limited timeframe.


These problems, known as "cases," are often based on actual challenges faced by companies, ranging from strategic business decisions to operational issues. The main objective of a case competition is to analyze the given case, develop a feasible and innovative solution, and present the findings and recommendations to a panel of judges.


Participants are usually given a set period, ranging from a few hours to several days, to review the case, conduct necessary research, and formulate their solution. The competition culminates in a presentation where teams showcase their analysis and proposed solutions.


Presentations are typically followed by a Q&A session with the judges, who may include industry professionals, academics, and executives from the sponsoring company.


Virtual case competitions follow a similar format to in-person ones but are conducted online. Teams submit their presentations electronically and presentations are conducted through video conferencing platforms.


Why Participate in Case Competitions?


There are several reasons to participate in case competitions. You can get a taste of consulting, gain experience for your resume, learn valuable skills, build meaningful connections, win prizes, and have fun.


Get a taste of consulting


Case competitions provide a glimpse into the world of consulting. Participants tackle complex business problems similar to those faced by consultants, requiring thorough analysis and strategic thinking. This experience is valuable for anyone considering a career in consulting.


You’ll learn to think like a consultant, develop problem solving skills, perform data analysis, and practice client communication.


Gain experience for your resume


Participating in case competitions can significantly boost to your resume. It demonstrates to potential employers that you possess critical skills such as teamwork, strategic thinking, and effective communication.


Highlighting your achievements in case competitions can set you apart from other candidates, showcasing your ability to handle real world business challenges.


Learn valuable skills


Case competitions are memorable learning experiences. They force you to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, pushing you to step out of your comfort zone.


You’ll learn to work under pressure, conduct thorough research, develop strategic solutions, and present your ideas effectively. This hands-on learning is often more valuable than traditional classroom education since it involves real-world scenarios.


Build meaningful connections


Participating in case competitions allows you to meet and interact with a diverse group of people, including fellow participants, judges, mentors, and industry professionals. These connections can be valuable for your future career, providing networking opportunities that can lead to internships, job offers, and professional advice.


Win prizes


Many case competitions offer attractive prizes for the winning teams. These can range from monetary awards and scholarships to internships and job offers from prestigious companies. While the primary motivation should be the learning and experience gained, the potential for winning such prizes adds an excitement to the event.


Have fun


Beyond the professional and educational benefits, case competitions are also a lot of fun. The challenge of solving complex problems, the camaraderie of working in a team, and the thrill of presenting your solution to judges all contribute to an unforgettable experience.


These competitions often include social events, adding to the overall enjoyment and making the experience memorable.


Who Can Participate in Case Competitions?


Each case competition has different eligibility requirements. Some are open to undergraduate students while others are for MBA or other graduate students. Some case competitions may require enrollment in certain programs or institutions.


Additionally, some selective case competitions require teams to apply to enter. These case competitions are invite-only and only accept a certain number of team entries. Always check the official case competition website to see eligibility requirements.


Case Competition Structure


There are typically seven stages of a case competition: the announcement of the case competition, team formation and sign ups, receiving the case, working on the case, finalists selection, finalists presentations, and selection of the winners.


1. Announcement of case competition


The process begins with the official announcement of the case competition. This is usually done through various channels such as university bulletins, emails, social media, and company websites.


The announcement includes essential details such as the case competition dates, eligibility criteria, registration deadlines, and an overview of the prizes.


2. Team formation and sign ups


Once the competition is announced, interested participants form teams and sign up. Teams typically consist of three to five members, depending on the competition rules.


Participants often form teams with classmates, colleagues, or friends who have complementary skills. Registration involves submitting basic information about the team and its members, and sometimes includes a preliminary screening process.


3. Receiving the case


After registration, teams receive the case they need to solve. The case is a detailed document outlining a specific business problem or challenge faced by a real or hypothetical company. It includes background information, relevant data, and specific questions or objectives that the teams must address.


4. Working on the case


Teams then immediately dive into the case. During this stage, teams will analyze the problem, conduct necessary research and analysis, brainstorm solutions, and develop their recommendations.


This step can last anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the case competition's timeline. Collaboration and effective time management are key during this stage.


5. Finalists selection


In the next step, teams will submit their presentations with their solutions to the case. This will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The judges will evaluate the submissions based on criteria such as the depth of analysis, creativity, business acumen, and overall quality of the presentation.


After reviewing all submissions, the judges will select the top teams to advance to the final round.


6. Finalists presentations


The chosen finalist teams typically present their solutions to the panel of judges. This presentation typically involves a detailed explanation of their analysis, proposed solutions, and implementation plans.


Presentations are often followed by a Q&A session where judges ask probing questions to test the teams' understanding and the robustness of their solutions.


7. Selection of the winners


After all finalists have finished presenting, the panel of judges will deliberate and select the winning teams based on criteria such as the depth of analysis, creativity, business acumen, the effectiveness of the presentation, and how well teams handled the Q&A session.


The announcement of the winners is often accompanied by an award ceremony, where prizes are distributed, and participants are recognized for their efforts.


Case Competition Examples


Case competitions challenge participants with real-world business problems that require innovative and strategic solutions. Here are some examples of case competition prompts from various industries to give you an idea of what types of business problems to expect in a case competition.


These examples illustrate the variety of challenges presented in case competitions, encompassing areas such as market expansion, sustainability, digital transformation, crisis management, innovation, mergers and acquisitions, competitive strategy, financial turnaround, human resources, and marketing.


1. Market Expansion Strategy


Company: A Leading Technology Firm


Prompt: Your team is tasked with developing a market expansion strategy for our latest product line. Identify the most promising international market to enter, considering factors such as market size, competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and potential barriers to entry. Provide a detailed plan for market entry, including marketing, sales, and distribution strategies.


2. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility


Company: Global Consumer Goods Corporation


Prompt: As part of our commitment to sustainability, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 30% over the next five years. Develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy that includes changes in our supply chain, manufacturing processes, and product design. Outline the potential costs, benefits, and risks associated with your proposed strategy.


3. Digital Transformation


Company: Major Retailer


Prompt: Our company is looking to enhance the customer experience through digital transformation. Propose a detailed plan to integrate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and omnichannel retailing into our operations. Explain how your plan will improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and streamline operations.


4. Crisis Management


Company: International Airline


Prompt: Following a major operational disruption that has significantly impacted our reputation, your team is responsible for developing a crisis management strategy. Outline immediate actions to mitigate damage, a communication plan to address stakeholders, and long-term measures to prevent future crises. Consider financial, operational, and reputational aspects in your plan.


5. Innovation and Product Development


Company: Pharmaceutical Company


Prompt: Our R&D department has developed a groundbreaking new drug that addresses a significant unmet medical need. Create a go-to-market strategy for this new product, including regulatory approval processes, pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and distribution channels. Assess potential challenges and propose solutions to overcome them.


6. Merger and Acquisition Strategy


Company: Financial Services Firm


Prompt: Your team has been hired to advise on a potential acquisition. Identify a target company that aligns with our strategic objectives and conduct a thorough analysis of the financial, operational, and cultural fit. Develop a comprehensive integration plan to ensure a smooth transition and maximize synergies post-acquisition.


7. Competitive Strategy


Company: Automotive Manufacturer


Prompt: With the increasing competition in the electric vehicle (EV) market, we need to strengthen our competitive position. Analyze the current market trends, our competitors' strategies, and consumer preferences. Develop a strategic plan to enhance our product offerings, improve market penetration, and increase brand loyalty.


8. Financial Turnaround


Company: Struggling Retail Chain


Prompt: Our company has been experiencing declining sales and profitability. Your team is tasked with developing a financial turnaround strategy. Identify the root causes of our financial difficulties and propose measures to improve cash flow, reduce costs, and increase revenue. Include a detailed implementation timeline and key performance indicators to monitor progress.


9. Human Resources and Talent Management


Company: Multinational Corporation


Prompt: "We are facing high employee turnover and low employee engagement. Develop a talent management strategy that includes initiatives for recruitment, retention, and professional development. Propose ways to enhance our corporate culture, improve employee satisfaction, and align our workforce with our long-term business goals."


10. Marketing and Brand Positioning


Company: Luxury Fashion Brand


Prompt: Our brand seeks to strengthen its presence in the Asian market. Design a marketing campaign that resonates with the cultural nuances and preferences of Asian consumers. Your plan should include digital marketing, partnerships with influencers, offline events, and strategies to enhance brand loyalty and perception.


What Skills are Important for Case Competitions?


The key skills needed for case competitions include analytical thinking, business acumen, teamwork, presentation skills, and time management.


Analytical thinking


Analytical thinking is critical for success during a case competition. You’ll need to break down complex problems into manageable components, interpret both quantitative and qualitative data to uncover trends and insights, and apply critical thinking to evaluate information objectively.


Business acumen


A strong business acumen helps you understand and apply business principles in decision-making. This entails staying informed about industry trends and market dynamics, developing strategies that align with organizational goals, and possessing financial literacy to understand the economic impact of decisions.




Effective teamwork enables teams to leverage diverse skills and perspectives. This involves collaborating cooperatively, communicating ideas clearly, and actively listening to other people’s input.


Addressing disagreements constructively and distributing tasks based on individual strengths can enhance team efficiency and overall performance, ensuring that each member’s contributions are valued.


Presentation skills


Strong presentation skills are critical for conveying your team’s analysis and recommendations effectively. This means communicating ideas in a clear, concise, and logical manner. You’ll need to engage the audience with a compelling narrative and use visual aids, such as charts and diagrams, to enhance understanding.


Demonstrating poise and professionalism throughout the presentation can significantly impact the judges’ perception of your team’s competency and confidence.


Time management


Effective time management is crucial in case competitions, where deadlines are tight. Prioritizing tasks, creating and adhering to a timeline, and working efficiently to maximize productivity are essential.


Managing stress and staying calm under pressure are also important to maintain high performance and ensure that all aspects of the case are thoroughly addressed within the given timeframe.


How Are Case Competition Winners Determined?


Case competitions are typically scored based on the quality of analysis, business acumen, creativity, presentation, and the Q&A performance to determine a winner.


Quality of analysis


Teams must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the case problem, backed by detailed and accurate research and analysis. This involves:


  • Data interpretation: Skillfully analyzing data to extract meaningful insights


  • Logical reasoning: Structuring arguments in a coherent and logical manner


  • Depth of insight: Going beyond surface-level observations to identify underlying issues and opportunities


  • Use of frameworks: Employing appropriate business analysis frameworks (e.g., SWOT, PESTEL, Porter's Five Forces) to structure the analysis


Business acumen


Judges assess the team's business acumen by evaluating their ability to apply business principles effectively. This includes:


  • Practicality of solutions: Ensuring that proposed solutions are realistic and implementable


  • Understanding of the industry: Demonstrating a strong grasp of industry-specific knowledge and trends


  • Strategic thinking: Formulating strategies that align with the company's goals and market conditions


  • Financial viability: Assessing the financial impact and sustainability of the recommendations




Creativity sets top-performing teams apart by showcasing innovative and original ideas. Judges look for:


  • Novel approaches: Unique and fresh perspectives that challenge conventional thinking


  • Innovative solutions: Creative strategies that offer significant competitive advantages


  • Problem solving techniques: Employing out-of-the-box methods to address complex issues


  • Visual design: Utilizing creative and effective visual aids to enhance the presentation




A compelling presentation is crucial for conveying the team's ideas clearly and persuasively. Key elements include:


  • Clarity and structure: Organizing the presentation in a logical, easy-to-follow manner


  • Engagement: Capturing and maintaining the audience's attention throughout the presentation


  • Visual aids: Using slides, charts, and graphs effectively to support the narrative and highlight key points


  • Professionalism: Delivering the presentation with confidence, poise, and polish


Q&A performance


The Q&A session tests the team's ability to defend their analysis and recommendations under scrutiny. Successful teams excel in:


  • Responsiveness: Providing clear and concise answers to judges' questions


  • Depth of knowledge: Demonstrating comprehensive understanding of the case and supporting data


  • Critical thinking: Thinking on their feet and addressing unexpected challenges or objections


  • Team coordination: Showing strong teamwork and cohesion during the questioning process


By excelling in these areas, teams can distinguish themselves and increase their chances of winning a case competition.


How to Win Any Case Competition


To win a case competition, you’ll need to think and work like a consultant. You’ll need to be thorough and go above and beyond what is asked for in the case competition prompt. Lastly, you’ll need to achieve expert status on the topic and your work.


Follow these ten insider tips below to distinguish your work from other case competition teams and give yourself the best chance of winning. Winning case competition teams tend to all follow these tips and strategies.


1. Structure your presentation like a consulting deck


The presentation slides that consultants work on is referred to as a deck. Consulting decks are known for their clear, logical structure.


Start with an executive summary that outlines your key findings and recommendations. Follow that with sections that provide background information, analysis, and a detailed plan. Each slide should flow logically into the next, making it easy for judges to follow your thought process.


If someone were to only read the slide titles of your presentation, they should have a full understanding of what you are going to talk about.


2. Have simple and pretty slides


Your slides should be visually appealing but not overly complex. Use a clean layout, professional fonts, and a consistent color scheme. Avoid clutter by sticking to one main idea per slide and using visuals like charts, graphs, and infographics to convey information succinctly.


Use bolding, color, or shapes to draw attention to the most important points or takeaways of each slide.


3. Use a framework to guide your work


Frameworks like SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, or the 4Ps of Marketing can provide structure and ensure you cover all necessary aspects of the case. Select a framework that suits the problem at hand and use it to organize your analysis and recommendations systematically.


If you want to learn how to create robust and MECE frameworks, check out our guide to case interview frameworks.


4. Thoroughly answer every question


Pay close attention to the case prompt and make sure you address every question it poses. Providing incomplete answers can hurt your credibility and reduce your chances of winning. Be comprehensive in your analysis and ensure that all aspects of the problem are covered.


5. Conduct creative, resourceful, or unique analysis


Stand out by going beyond the obvious. Use creative approaches to analyze data or generate insights. This could involve primary research, advanced statistical techniques, or innovative applications of theory. Demonstrating resourcefulness and originality can impress judges and set your work apart.


6. Have a clear and easy-to-follow presentation


Your presentation should be easy to follow from start to finish. Use clear headings, bullet points, and concise language. Practice storytelling techniques to make your presentation engaging and memorable. Ensure each team member is on the same page to maintain a smooth flow.


7. Have a strong, firm recommendation


After analyzing the case, conclude with a strong recommendation. Your recommendation should be clear, decisive, and backed by your analysis. Avoid ambiguity and be confident in your conclusions, showing the judges that you believe in your proposed solution.


8. Include specific and actionable next steps


Judges look for practical solutions that can be implemented. Outline specific actions that can be taken to implement your recommendations. Provide a timeline, any resources needed, and potential risks to consider and how to mitigate them. Taking this extra step will make your proposed solution more actionable and realistic.


9. Practice your presentation to ensure it is smooth and finishes on-time


Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery and timing. Each team member should know their part and transitions should be seamless. Time your rehearsals to make sure you finish within the allotted time, as going over can negatively impact your score.


10. Prepare for potential questions


Anticipate questions judges might ask and prepare thoughtful answers. Consider areas where your analysis might be challenged and have justifications ready. Practicing a Q&A session with peers or mentors can help you prepare and build confidence.


List of Case Competitions


Below, we’ve compiled all of the case competitions we could find, both in the US and internationally. Use this list to help you identify the right case competitions to participate in.


In addition to these case competitions, you should also check for local case competitions at your school or institution through your university career center and student organizations.


Case Competition Country Hosted In Eligibility

Aarhus Case Competition


All students

Alberta International Case Competition


Top business students

Amsterdam Case Competition


Top-tier business students

Annual Boston College Corcoran Center Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

Asia Business Case Competition @ Nanyang


Leading business school students

Australian Undergraduate Case Competition


Undergraduate students

BI International Case Competition


Global university students

Belgrade Business International Case Competition


Global business students

CBS Case Competition


Top business school students

CFI Financial Modeling Case Competition


Students and professionals

Capitox Case Competition


Top business school students

CaseIT MIS Case Competition


International participants

Central European Case Competition


European students

Central European Case Competition @Corvinus


Business students

Champions Trophy Case Competition

New Zealand

Elite business students

Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition


Top global business students

Citi International Case Competition


Leading business school students

Cornell Emerging Markets Institute Corning Case Competition


Global participants

Deloitte Consulting National Undergraduate Case Competition


Undergraduate students

Diamond Dollars Case Competition


High school and undergraduate students

E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition


Educators and practitioners

Engineering and Commerce Case Competition


Multidisciplinary students

Global Business Case Competition


Undergraduate students

Global Case Competition at Harvard


Top university students

Global Microfinance Case Competition


Students passionate about social entrepreneurship

Grossman School of Business Family Enterprise Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

HKUST International Case Competition

Hong Kong

Undergraduate business students

HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition

Hong Kong

Undergraduate business students

IMA Middle East and India Student Case Competition


Accounting and finance students

ISM-HK Student Case Competition

Hong Kong

Students interested in supply chain management

International Case Competition @ Maastricht


Top business students

International Graduate Competition


Graduate business students

Japan MBA Case Competition


MBA students

John Molson MBA International Case Competition


MBA students

John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

John R. Lewis Case Competition


Business students

KPMG International Case Competition

United Arab Emirates

Undergraduate students

KeyBank Foundation and Fisher College of Business Minority MBA Student Case Competition


Minority MBA students

Lazaridis International Case Conference


Undergraduate business students

Marshall International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

McCombs National Women’s Case Competition


Female undergraduate business students

McGill Management International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

McIntire International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

NHH International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

NIBS Worldwide Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

NUS Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Northeastern University CUIBE International Business Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Pitt Business Analytics Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

Questrom $50K Sustainability Case Competition


MBA students

RMA Credit Risk Case Competition


Undergraduate students

RSM STAR Case Competition


Top business students

Rotterdam/Carleton International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Sauder Summit Global Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Scotiabank International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Solvers’ Cup


Students from various disciplines

Templeton Business Ethics Case Competition


Undergraduate students

Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge


Undergraduate business students

The International Business Ethics Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

The NASBITE International Student Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

The Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition


Undergraduate and graduate students

University of Munster Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

University of Navarra International Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

University of Technology Sydney Global Case Competition


Undergraduate business students

Van Berkom John Molson Small-Cap Case Competition


MBA students

WBS Case Challenge


MBA students


Aarhus Case Competition


The Aarhus Case Competition, held annually in Denmark, is one of the largest case competitions in the Nordic countries. It is divided into two tracks: the Advanced track for top students from universities worldwide, and the Aspire track for Aarhus University students of all experience levels.


Alberta International Case Competition


The Alberta International Case Competition, hosted by the Alberta School of Business, is an invitation-only event for top business students from around the world. It focuses on a variety of complex business challenges, offering substantial networking opportunities with industry leaders. Winning teams often receive significant monetary prizes and recognition.


Amsterdam Case Competition


The Amsterdam Case Competition invites top-tier business students to solve complex business problems. Hosted by the University of Amsterdam, the competition emphasizes innovation and strategic thinking. Winners gain prestigious accolades and valuable networking opportunities with prominent business leaders and recruiters.


Annual Boston College Corcoran Center Case Competition


This competition, hosted by the Corcoran Center for Real Estate and Urban Action at Boston College, focuses on real estate and urban planning issues. It is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Winners receive monetary prizes and the chance to present their solutions to industry professionals.


Asia Business Case Competition @ Nanyang


Held by Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, this competition attracts teams from leading business schools across Asia. Participants solve intricate business problems, showcasing their strategic and analytical skills. Prizes include cash awards and internship opportunities with top firms in the region.


Australian Undergraduate Case Competition


The Australian Undergraduate Case Competition, hosted by the University of Melbourne, is open to undergraduate students from around the world. The competition challenges students with real-world business cases, and winners receive cash prizes and internship opportunities.


BI International Case Competition


Hosted by BI Norwegian Business School, this competition draws participants from global universities. It focuses on strategic business issues, offering winners monetary rewards and significant networking opportunities with international business leaders.


Belgrade Business International Case Competition


This competition, organized by the University of Belgrade, invites global business students to tackle complex business challenges. It emphasizes creativity and strategic thinking, with winners receiving cash prizes and recognition from top European firms.


CBS Case Competition


The CBS Case Competition, hosted by Copenhagen Business School, is one of the world's most prestigious case competitions. It gathers top students from leading business schools globally to solve challenging business cases. Winners earn significant cash prizes and career opportunities with multinational corporations.


CFI Financial Modeling Case Competition


The CFI Financial Modeling Case Competition focuses on advanced financial modeling skills. It is open to students and professionals worldwide, offering substantial cash prizes and certification opportunities for winners.


Capitox Case Competition


The Capitox Case Competition, centered on financial and strategic analysis, invites participants from top business schools. It provides cash prizes and significant exposure to leading financial institutions for winners.


CaseIT MIS Case Competition


Hosted by Simon Fraser University in Canada, CaseIT focuses on Management Information Systems (MIS). It draws international participants and offers cash prizes, along with recognition from leading tech firms.


Central European Case Competition


Held in various central European locations, this competition brings together students from across Europe to solve complex business problems. Winners receive monetary rewards and networking opportunities with European business leaders.


Central European Case Competition @Corvinus


Hosted by Corvinus University of Budapest, this competition focuses on strategic business issues relevant to Central Europe. Winners gain significant cash prizes and opportunities to present their solutions to top European firms.


Champions Trophy Case Competition


The Champions Trophy Case Competition, held in New Zealand by the University of Auckland, invites elite business students from around the world. It features real-life business challenges, with winners receiving cash prizes and significant networking opportunities.


Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition


Hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, this competition attracts top global business students. Participants solve intricate business cases, with winners receiving monetary rewards and recognition from leading Asian businesses.


Citi International Case Competition


Organized by Citi, this competition invites students from leading business schools worldwide to solve financial and strategic business problems. Winners receive cash prizes and potential job offers from Citi.


Cornell Emerging Markets Institute Corning Case Competition


Held by Cornell University, this competition focuses on challenges in emerging markets. It invites global participants, offering cash prizes and significant exposure to emerging market businesses for winners.


Deloitte Consulting National Undergraduate Case Competition


The Deloitte Consulting National Undergraduate Case Competition is targeted at undergraduate students from various universities. Participants work in teams to analyze and provide solutions to a business case presented by Deloitte. The competition aims to provide students with real-world consulting experience, enhancing their problem-solving and presentation skills. The winners often receive internships or job offers from Deloitte, along with cash prizes.


Diamond Dollars Case Competition


The Diamond Dollars Case Competition is a prominent event hosted by the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) as part of its annual SABR Analytics Conference. Targeted at high school and college students, this competition focuses on baseball operations. Participants analyze and present solutions to real-world baseball management problems. The competition is judged by MLB executives, and winners gain significant recognition, with many securing internships or permanent positions within Major League Baseball.


E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition


The E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition is aimed at developing innovative teaching materials for public affairs and administration. Educators and practitioners from around the world submit cases and simulations that can be used in teaching complex decision-making processes. Winners receive a cash prize and their submissions are published online, contributing to educational resources globally.


Engineering and Commerce Case Competition


The Engineering and Commerce Case Competition (ECCC) at McGill University brings together multidisciplinary teams of engineering and business students to solve complex real-world problems. The competition challenges students to integrate technical and commercial perspectives in their solutions. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills to industry leaders, with winning teams often receiving monetary prizes and professional recognition.


Global Business Case Competition


The Global Business Case Competition (GBCC) at the University of Washington is designed for undergraduate students from around the world. Teams analyze a business case and present their strategies to a panel of judges. The competition emphasizes international business and cross-cultural collaboration, with winners receiving trophies and sometimes cash prizes.


Global Case Competition at Harvard


The Global Case Competition at Harvard attracts teams from top universities worldwide. Participants work on a case that simulates a real-world business challenge, often in the finance or consulting sectors. The competition is highly prestigious, offering significant cash prizes and networking opportunities with industry professionals.


Global Microfinance Case Competition


The Global Microfinance Case Competition focuses on microfinance and financial inclusion. It is targeted at students who are passionate about social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Participants propose solutions to challenges faced by microfinance institutions, with winners often receiving internships and cash prizes.


Grossman School of Business Family Enterprise Case Competition


The Family Enterprise Case Competition (FECC) at the Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, is focused on issues unique to family businesses. It is open to undergraduate and graduate students, who present their solutions to real-world family enterprise challenges. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition in the family business community.


HKUST International Case Competition


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) International Case Competition brings together undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams solve a challenging business case and present their recommendations to a panel of judges. The competition is known for its rigorous standards and the opportunity it provides for students to engage with leading business professionals.


HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition


The HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition is one of the largest case competitions in the region. Hosted by the University of Hong Kong, it targets undergraduate business students who analyze business cases relevant to the Asia-Pacific region. Winners receive significant cash prizes and opportunities for internships with HSBC.


IMA Middle East and India Student Case Competition


The IMA Middle East and India Student Case Competition is designed for accounting and finance students. Participants analyze and solve a case related to management accounting and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition aims to promote excellence in accounting education, with winners receiving cash prizes and recognition from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).


ISM-HK Student Case Competition


The ISM-HK Student Case Competition, organized by the Institute for Supply Management - Hong Kong, targets students interested in supply chain management. Participants analyze supply chain-related cases and present their solutions to industry professionals. Winners gain recognition in the supply chain community and often receive cash prizes.


International Case Competition @ Maastricht


The International Case Competition @ Maastricht (ICC@M) is hosted by Maastricht University in the Netherlands. It brings together top business students from around the world to solve complex business cases. The competition emphasizes innovation and strategic thinking, with winners receiving trophies and sometimes cash prizes.


International Graduate Competition


The International Graduate Competition (IGC) is aimed at graduate business students and focuses on strategic management and leadership. Teams analyze a business case and present their recommendations to a panel of judges. The competition is known for its high level of rigor and the networking opportunities it provides for participants.


Japan MBA Case Competition


The Japan MBA Case Competition (JMBACC) is the largest MBA case competition in Japan. It targets MBA students from top business schools who analyze and present solutions to business challenges faced by Japanese companies. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition from the business community in Japan.


John Molson MBA International Case Competition


The John Molson MBA International Case Competition, hosted by Concordia University in Montreal, is one of the oldest and most prestigious MBA case competitions. It attracts teams from top business schools worldwide who solve real-world business cases. Winners receive significant cash prizes and the competition provides extensive networking opportunities with industry leaders.


John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition


The John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition is also hosted by Concordia University and targets undergraduate business students. Teams analyze business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition is highly regarded and provides valuable experience and networking opportunities for participants.


John R. Lewis Case Competition


The John R. Lewis Case Competition focuses on social justice and equity issues. It targets business students who analyze cases related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition for their contributions to promoting social justice in the business world.


KPMG International Case Competition


The KPMG International Case Competition (KICC) is one of the largest case competitions globally, targeting undergraduate students. Teams from various countries analyze business cases and present their solutions to KPMG professionals. The competition provides significant networking opportunities, with winners often receiving internships or job offers from KPMG.


KeyBank Foundation and Fisher College of Business Minority MBA Student Case Competition


This competition, hosted by the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University and sponsored by the KeyBank Foundation, focuses on diversity and inclusion in business. It targets minority MBA students who solve business cases related to financial services and banking. Winners receive cash prizes and networking opportunities with industry leaders.


Lazaridis International Case Conference


The Lazaridis International Case Conference, hosted by Wilfrid Laurier University, brings together undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams analyze business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition emphasizes innovation and strategic thinking, with winners receiving trophies and sometimes cash prizes.


Marshall International Case Competition


The Marshall International Case Competition, hosted by the University of Southern California, is one of the oldest and most prestigious undergraduate business case competitions. Teams analyze and solve real-world business cases, presenting their recommendations to a panel of industry professionals. Winners receive significant cash prizes and recognition.


McCombs National Women’s Case Competition


The McCombs National Women’s Case Competition, hosted by the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, targets female undergraduate business students. Participants solve business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition aims to promote gender diversity in business, with winners receiving cash prizes and networking opportunities.


McGill Management International Case Competition


The McGill Management International Case Competition, hosted by McGill University, is one of the top undergraduate business case competitions. Teams from around the world analyze business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. Winners receive significant cash prizes and the competition provides valuable networking opportunities.


McIntire International Case Competition


The McIntire International Case Competition, hosted by the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia, brings together undergraduate business students from top universities. Participants solve complex business cases and present their recommendations to industry professionals. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition.


NHH International Case Competition


The NHH International Case Competition, hosted by the Norwegian School of Economics, targets undergraduate business students. Teams analyze business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition emphasizes innovation and strategic thinking, with winners receiving trophies and sometimes cash prizes.


NIBS Worldwide Case Competition


The NIBS Worldwide Case Competition, organized by the Network of International Business Schools, is an international case competition for undergraduate business students. Teams from around the world analyze business cases and present their solutions. Winners receive trophies and recognition from the global business community.


NUS Case Competition


The NUS Case Competition, hosted by the National University of Singapore, brings together undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams analyze and solve business cases related to the Asia-Pacific region. Winners receive significant cash prizes and networking opportunities with industry leaders.


Northeastern University CUIBE International Business Case Competition


The Northeastern University CUIBE International Business Case Competition targets undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams analyze international business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition provides valuable experience and networking opportunities, with winners receiving cash prizes.


Pitt Business Analytics Case Competition


The Pitt Business Analytics Case Competition, hosted by the University of Pittsburgh, focuses on business analytics and data-driven decision-making. Undergraduate and graduate students analyze business cases involving complex data sets and present their solutions. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition from the business analytics community.


Questrom $50K Sustainability Case Competition


The Questrom $50K Sustainability Case Competition, hosted by Boston University's Questrom School of Business, focuses on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. MBA students from various universities compete to develop innovative solutions to sustainability challenges faced by businesses. Winners receive a $50,000 prize, with a requirement to donate 10% to a sustainability-focused non-profit. The competition is notable for its high-level judges and real-world impact, as winning solutions are often implemented by partnering companies.


RMA Credit Risk Case Competition


The RMA Credit Risk Case Competition, organized by the Risk Management Association, targets undergraduate students interested in finance and risk management. Participants analyze real-world credit risk scenarios and present their solutions to a panel of industry professionals. The competition aims to enhance students' understanding of risk management practices and provides winners with cash prizes and networking opportunities within the financial industry.


RSM STAR Case Competition


The RSM STAR Case Competition, hosted by the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, is an international event that brings together top business students from around the world. Participants work in teams to solve complex business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition emphasizes strategic thinking and innovation, with winners receiving trophies and professional recognition.


Rotterdam/Carleton International Case Competition


The Rotterdam/Carleton International Case Competition is a collaborative event between the Rotterdam School of Management and Carleton University's Sprott School of Business. It targets undergraduate business students who solve international business cases. The competition focuses on cross-cultural collaboration and strategic decision-making, with winners gaining significant recognition and cash prizes.


Sauder Summit Global Case Competition


The Sauder Summit Global Case Competition, hosted by the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business, attracts undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams analyze and solve complex business problems, presenting their solutions to industry leaders. The competition is known for its rigorous standards and provides winners with cash prizes and professional networking opportunities.


Scotiabank International Case Competition


The Scotiabank International Case Competition, hosted by the Ivey Business School at Western University, is designed for undergraduate business students. Participants analyze real-world business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition emphasizes strategic and innovative thinking, with winners receiving cash prizes and networking opportunities with Scotiabank executives.


Solvers’ Cup


The Solvers’ Cup is an international case competition that brings together students from various disciplines to solve complex business and social problems. The competition emphasizes innovative and sustainable solutions, with winners receiving significant cash prizes and the opportunity to implement their ideas in real-world scenarios.


Templeton Business Ethics Case Competition


The Templeton Business Ethics Case Competition, hosted by the Stetson University School of Business Administration, focuses on ethical decision-making in business. Undergraduate students analyze ethical dilemmas and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition aims to promote ethical awareness and leadership, with winners receiving cash prizes and professional recognition.


Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge


The Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge (TUBC) is hosted by Thammasat University in Thailand and attracts undergraduate business students from around the world. Participants work in teams to solve complex business cases and present their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition is known for its emphasis on strategic thinking and innovation, with winners receiving trophies and cash prizes.


The International Business Ethics Case Competition


The International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC) is an annual event that focuses on ethical issues in business. It is open to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who present their analysis of ethical dilemmas in business to a panel of judges. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition for their ethical decision-making and presentation skills.


The NASBITE International Student Case Competition


The NASBITE International Student Case Competition is organized by the National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE). It targets undergraduate and graduate students who analyze international business cases and present their solutions to industry professionals. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition within the international trade community.


The Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition


The Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition, hosted by the Grossman School of Business at the University of Vermont, focuses on issues unique to family businesses. Undergraduate and graduate students present solutions to real-world challenges faced by family enterprises. Winners receive cash prizes and recognition within the family business community.


University of Munster Case Competition


The University of Munster Case Competition, hosted by the University of Munster in Germany, brings together undergraduate business students to solve complex business problems. The competition emphasizes strategic thinking and innovative solutions, with winners receiving cash prizes and professional recognition.


University of Navarra International Case Competition


The University of Navarra International Case Competition, hosted by the IESE Business School in Spain, is designed for undergraduate business students. Participants analyze and solve business cases, presenting their solutions to a panel of judges. The competition is known for its rigorous standards and provides winners with cash prizes and networking opportunities.


University of Technology Sydney Global Case Competition


The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Global Case Competition attracts undergraduate business students from around the world. Teams work to solve real-world business problems and present their solutions to industry professionals. The competition emphasizes innovation and strategic thinking, with winners receiving cash prizes and professional recognition.


Van Berkom John Molson Small-Cap Case Competition


The Van Berkom John Molson Small-Cap Case Competition, hosted by Concordia University's John Molson School of Business, focuses on small-cap investment strategies. It targets MBA students who analyze and present investment recommendations for small-cap companies. Winners receive significant cash prizes and recognition within the investment community.


WBS Case Challenge


The WBS Case Challenge, hosted by the Warwick Business School, brings together MBA students from around the world to solve complex business cases. Participants present their solutions to a panel of industry judges, with winners receiving cash prizes and networking opportunities with business leaders. The competition emphasizes strategic and innovative thinking.


Recommended Resources to Break Into Consulting


Consulting is an incredibly selective and competitive industry to break into. For top firms, such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, less than 1-2% of applicants are accepted.


To give yourself the best chance of landing a top-tier consulting offer, look into the resources listed below. Getting professional help from a former MBB interviewer can significantly increase your chances of breaking into consulting.

Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.