Comprehensive Case Interview Checklist and Rubric

Case interview checklist & rubric

The fastest way to get better at case interviews is to use a comprehensive case interview checklist and rubric to assess how well you are doing.


There is nothing worse than doing mock case interviews and feeling that you are not getting any better. The key to improving your case interview skills quickly is to be thorough and methodical in analyzing everything you are saying and doing in a case interview.


To help you make your case interview practice more efficient, download our Case Interview Checklist and Rubric. Print this document out and use a copy for every practice case interview that you do.


  • Case interview checklist: covers 50 different things you need to do in a case interview. Use this checklist to build good case interview habits that will help you impress your interviewer and solve the case more efficiently and effectively.

  • Case interview rubric: shows what qualities separate outstanding candidates from average candidates across every step of the case interview. Use this rubric to identify which areas of the case interview you are performing below average or just average on.


If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course. These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.


For those looking to read the case interview checklist and rubric in plain text, we’ve included all of the text below. Read to the end to see what are the three case interview resources we absolutely recommend every candidate to use.


Case Interview Checklist


Delivering an outstanding synthesis

  • Did you include all of the important pieces of background information?

  • Did you concisely summarize the information?

  • Did you state just the facts, without inserting assumptions or unstated information?

  • Did you correctly capture the objective(s) of the case?

Asking clarifying questions


  • Did you ask appropriate, relevant clarifying questions?

  • Did you keep the number of questions asked to a reasonable number?

Structuring a framework


  • Did you spend no more than 3-4 minutes in silence creating your framework?

  • Did your framework include 3-5 different buckets?

  • Were all buckets in your framework relevant to the case?

  • Were all buckets in your framework MECE?

  • Did you have 2-3 sub-bullets under each bucket?

  • Were all sub-bullets relevant to the case and belong within the bucket?

  • Were all sub-bullets within each bucket MECE?

  • Were your bucket names tailored to the case and not generic?

  • Did your framework include all of the major areas relevant to the case?

Presenting your framework


  • Did you turn your paper around to the interviewer when presenting your framework?

  • Was the presentation of your framework structured and concise?

  • Did you vet your framework with the interviewer?

Kicking off the investigation


  • Did you proactively propose an area to start without the interviewer prompting you?

  • Did you provide a reason for why you chose that bucket to investigate first?

  • Did you vet starting with that bucket with the interviewer?

Solving quantitative problems


  • Did you structure your approach and walk the interviewer through it?

  • Did you make appropriate assumptions and justify your rationale for them?

  • Did you perform math calculations without making mistakes?

  • Did you complete math calculations in a reasonable amount of time?

  • Did you walk the interviewer through each step of your math calculation?

  • Did you sense check numbers along the way?

  • Did you draw correct insights and conclusions from charts and graphs?

  • Did you tie the answer back to the case objective?

Answering qualitative business questions


  • Did you structure your answer?

  • Did you present your answer in a concise way?

  • Did you correctly apply knowledge of business principles?

  • Does your answer reflect a sound business judgment?

  • Did you tie your answer back to the case objective?

Delivering a recommendation


  • Did you start with a confident, assertive recommendation?

  • Did you include 2-3 reasons supporting your recommendation?

  • Did you include next steps?

  • Did you present your recommendation in a structured, concise way?

  • Did you include all of the important key takeaways from the case?

Overall communication


  • Did you speak with a good pace, not too fast, and not too slow?

  • Did you speak at the appropriate volume level, not too soft, and not too loud?

  • Was your English coherent and easy to understand?

  • Did you avoid using filler words, such as “um”?

  • Did you maintain eye contact with the interviewer while speaking?

  • Did you use appropriate hand gestures?

Overall presence


  • Did you appear confident and assertive throughout the case?

  • Did you appear calm and collected throughout the case?

  • Were you coachable and adaptive to the interviewer’s input?

  • Did you display enthusiasm throughout the case?

  • Were you able to show off parts of your personality?


Case Interview Rubric


Delivering an outstanding synthesis


  • Below expectations: Synthesis is wordy and is missing important information.

  • Meets expectations: Synthesis is clear and concise.

  • Above expectations: Synthesis is clear, concise, and covers all of the important pieces of information.


Asking clarifying questions


  • Below expectations: Questions asked are not relevant or important to the case.

  • Meets expectations: Questions asked are relevant and important to the case.

  • Above expectations: Questions asked are relevant, important, and demonstrate a sharp business acumen.


Structuring a framework


  • Below expectations: Framework is not well structured and not entirely relevant to the case.

  • Meets expectations: Framework is well structured and relevant to the case.

  • Above expectations: Framework is well structured, relevant, and covers all of the important areas of the case.


Presenting your framework


  • Below expectations: The presentation of the framework was too wordy or unclear. 

  • Meets expectations: Framework is presented clearly.

  • Above expectations: Framework is presented clearly, concisely, and is easy to follow.


Kicking off the investigation


  • Below expectations: No attempt or a poor attempt was made to kick off the case.

  • Meets expectations: Candidate kicks off the case and provides support for the area they want to investigate. 

  • Above expectations: Candidate provides a compelling reason and makes a strong case for investigating a particular area.


Solving quantitative problems


  • Below expectations: Candidate is unable to perform calculations or analysis correctly.

  • Meets expectations: Candidate performs all of the calculations and analysis correctly.

  • Above expectations: Candidate shows math prowess, solving all quantitative problems quickly with ease.


Answering qualitative business questions


  • Below expectations: Candidate shows a lack of business knowledge and good judgment. 

  • Meets expectations: Candidate demonstrates good business knowledge and judgment.

  • Above expectations: Candidate has a sharp business acumen and demonstrates deep business knowledge.


Delivering a recommendation


  • Below expectations: Recommendation was not firm and there is a lack of supporting evidence provided. 

  • Meets expectations: A firm recommendation is provided with clear supporting evidence.

  • Above expectations: A firm recommendation is provided with overwhelming supporting evidence. Next steps are included.


Overall communication


  • Below expectations: Candidate is difficult to understand and follow at times.

  • Meets expectations: Candidate speaks clearly, concisely, and with purpose.

  • Above expectations: Candidate speaks clearly, concisely, and with purpose. They are extremely articulate.


Overall presence


  • Below expectations: Candidate shows signs of stress and a lack of confidence.

  • Meets expectations: Candidate remains calm and confident during the interview.

  • Above expectations: Candidate is calm, confident, and enthusiastic. Aspects of their personality shine during the interview.


Land Your Dream Consulting Job


Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.