New Product Case Interview: Step-By-Step Guide

New product case interview

Have an upcoming new product case interview and don’t know how to prepare? Don’t worry because we have you covered!


In this article, we’ll cover:


  • What is a new product case interview?


  • How to solve any new product case interview


  • Essential new product case interview frameworks


  • New product case interview example


If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course. These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.


What is a New Product Case Interview?


A new product case interview is a type of interview commonly used by consulting firms, particularly those that specialize in management consulting and strategy. This interview format assesses a candidate's ability to analyze and solve complex business problems related to the development and launch of a new product or service.


During a new product case interview, the candidate is presented with a hypothetical scenario involving a company that is considering introducing a new product or service to the market.


The candidate's task is to work through the case by asking relevant questions, gathering information, conducting analysis, and ultimately providing recommendations or solutions to the challenges posed in the case.


The interview is designed to evaluate several key skills and competencies:


Problem-solving: Candidates must demonstrate their ability to break down complex problems into manageable components and develop a structured approach to finding solutions.


  • Business acumen: The interview assesses a candidate's understanding of business concepts, such as market analysis, competitive landscape, financial considerations, and customer needs


  • Analytical thinking: Candidates are expected to analyze data and information to draw insights, identify trends, and make informed decisions


  • Creativity and innovation: Since the case involves a new product or service, candidates are often required to think creatively and propose innovative ideas that can set the product apart in the market


  • Communication skills: Effective communication is crucial as candidates need to explain their thought processes, assumptions, and conclusions clearly and succinctly to the interviewer


  • Structured thinking: The interview evaluates how well candidates can structure their approach to problem-solving, often using frameworks to organize their analysis and recommendations


New product case interviews may cover a wide range of topics, including market research, pricing strategy, competitive analysis, distribution channels, financial projections, and risk assessment.


Candidates are encouraged to ask thoughtful questions to gather relevant information and make informed decisions.


How to Solve a New Product Case Interview


There are five steps to solve a new product case interview.


1. Understand the case


At the beginning of the case, thoroughly comprehend the details presented in the case prompt. You should be familiar with the context of the company, its industry, and the challenge it faces with the new product. 


Pay attention to any data, numbers, or specific information provided. This initial understanding will serve as the foundation for your analysis and recommendations. Jot down key points to ensure you remember crucial details as you progress.


2. Clarify the objectives


If any aspect of the case is ambiguous or unclear, seek clarification from the interviewer. Make sure you have a crystal-clear understanding of what the company aims to achieve with the new product launch.


This clarification is essential to focus your analysis and ensure you're addressing the right issues.


3. Structure your approach


Develop a well-organized framework to guide your analysis. 


Develop an appropriate framework that suits the case. Your chosen framework provides a structured roadmap that helps you break down the complexity of the case and ensures you cover all critical areas.


Some common elements that you may want to include in your framework are:


  • Market: Who are the customers? How large is the market? How quickly is the market growing?


  • Competition: What are competitors’ products? What are the strengths and weaknesses of competitors’ products?


  • Product: What are the differentiating features of the product? 


  • Pricing: How should the new product be priced? (e.g., what is the price point, subscription pricing, freemium model)


  • Distribution channels: Through which channels should the new product be sold through? (e.g., online, retailers, direct-to-consumer)


  • Promotion and marketing: How will you market the new product? (e.g., advertising, word of mouth, referrals)


For a complete guide on how to create tailored and unique frameworks for each case, check out our article on case interview frameworks.


4. Gather and analyze information


Begin by asking thoughtful and probing questions to gather essential information. Seek insights about the target audience, their needs and preferences, the market dynamics, and the competitive landscape. 


This information gathering phase is crucial, as the quality of your analysis depends on the data you collect.


In your new product case interview, you’ll likely cover a few of the topics below:


Analyze the market: Dive into a comprehensive analysis of the market. Examine its size, growth potential, and trends. Uncover data on customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Assess how the new product aligns with these trends and whether there's a viable market for it.


Assess the competition: Conduct a thorough assessment of the competitive landscape. Identify key competitors in the market, their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. Analyze their product offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics. This analysis will help you understand the competitive challenges the company might face and how the new product could differentiate itself.


Evaluate the product: Delve deeply into understanding the new product. Analyze its features, functionalities, and unique value proposition. Consider how it addresses customer pain points and stands out from existing solutions. This evaluation will help you determine the product's potential attractiveness to the target audience.


Develop a pricing strategy: Formulate a sound pricing strategy for the new product. Take into account production costs, competitor pricing, and perceived value by customers. Strive to find the optimal balance between affordability and the product's perceived worth.


Consider distribution channels: Devise a strategic approach to distribution. Determine which channels are best suited to reach the target customers effectively. Evaluate the pros and cons of options like direct sales, partnerships, online platforms, and retail outlets. Your choice of distribution channels should align with the company's resources and the preferences of your target audience.


Think through promotion and marketing: Craft a comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses various tactics. Consider advertising, social media campaigns, influencer collaborations, and content marketing. Tailor your approach to create buzz, generate interest, and engage potential customers.


Project financials: Develop realistic financial projections for the new product. Estimate potential revenues based on market size and pricing, while considering associated costs such as production, marketing, and distribution. Calculate the expected return on investment (ROI) and determine when the product is likely to break even.


5. Propose a recommendation


Synthesize your analysis into clear and actionable recommendations. Based on your insights, propose strategies that address the challenges highlighted and leverage the opportunities identified. Your recommendations should align with the company's goals and be practical to implement.


Summarize the key takeaways from your analysis and recommendations. Emphasize the potential benefits of your proposed strategies and how they align with the company's objectives. Conclude by highlighting the value of your approach in successfully tackling the challenges of introducing the new product to the market.


In addition to new product case interviews, we also have additional step-by-step guides to: market entry case interviews, growth strategy case interviews, M&A case interviews, pricing case interviews, operations case interviews, and marketing case interviews.


Essential New Product Case Interview Frameworks


There are three new product case interview frameworks you should be familiar with. These are essential marketing concepts that go hand-in-hand with new product case interviews.


However, we do not recommend using these frameworks verbatim. You want to demonstrate to the interviewer that you can think critically for yourself instead of relying on memorized frameworks.


You should instead be creating your own unique and tailored framework for each new product case interview scenario.


Therefore, your framework may include parts and pieces of the frameworks below, but you should not just copy them.


The 5 C’s Framework


The 5 C's framework is a comprehensive approach used in strategic analysis and planning. It takes into account various internal and external factors that influence a company's success.


Here's a brief explanation of each of the 5 C's:


1. Company


This refers to the internal assessment of the company itself. It involves analyzing the company's strengths, weaknesses, resources, capabilities, and overall strategic direction.


Understanding the company's core competencies and areas needing improvement is essential for effective strategic planning.


2. Collaborators (Partners)


Collaborators encompass the external entities that a company works with to achieve its goals. These can include suppliers, distributors, strategic partners, and other stakeholders.


Building strong relationships with collaborators can contribute to a company's competitive advantage by enhancing its capabilities and expanding its reach.


3. Customers


Understanding the needs, preferences, behaviors, and expectations of customers is crucial for success. Analyzing the customer segment, their demographics, psychographics, and buying patterns helps tailor products and services to their requirements.


A customer-focused approach ensures that offerings are relevant and appealing.


4. Competitors


Evaluating competitors involves understanding their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and market positioning. A thorough analysis of the competitive landscape helps identify opportunities for differentiation and highlights potential threats.


By understanding competitors, a company can make informed decisions to gain a competitive edge.


5. Context:


Context refers to the broader external environment in which the company operates. This includes economic, political, social, technological, and legal factors that impact business operations.


A clear understanding of the context helps anticipate trends, opportunities, and challenges that could influence the company's success.


The STP Framework


The STP framework, which stands for Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, is a strategic approach used by businesses to effectively identify and address the needs and preferences of specific customer segments in the market.


Here's a brief explanation of each component of the framework:


1. Segmentation


Segmentation involves dividing a heterogeneous market into smaller, more homogeneous groups called segments. These segments share common characteristics, needs, and behaviors.


By segmenting the market, companies can better understand the diversity of their customer base and tailor their marketing efforts to cater to the unique preferences of each segment. Market segmentation can be based on factors such as demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and geographic locations.


2. Targeting


Targeting is the process of selecting one or more segments from the segmented market to focus the company's marketing efforts on. Not all segments may be equally attractive or viable for a business to target.


Companies analyze the potential of each segment, considering factors such as size, growth potential, profitability, and alignment with the company's resources and capabilities.


Targeting enables companies to allocate resources more efficiently and create tailored marketing strategies for the chosen segments.


3. Positioning


Positioning involves defining how a company's product or service is perceived by the target customers in comparison to competitors' offerings. It's about creating a unique and compelling brand image in the minds of consumers.


Companies use positioning strategies to highlight their products' distinctive features, benefits, and value propositions that address the specific needs and preferences of the chosen target segments.


Effective positioning helps differentiate a company's offerings and establishes a competitive advantage in the market.


The Four P’s Framework


The 4 Ps, also known as the Marketing Mix, are a set of key elements that businesses use to formulate their marketing strategies. These elements represent different aspects of a product or service that a company offers.


Here's a brief explanation of each of the 4 Ps:


1. Product


This refers to the tangible good or intangible service that a company offers to meet customer needs or wants. It includes features, design, quality, branding, and packaging.


Companies must carefully consider what features and benefits their product provides to differentiate it from competitors and address customer needs effectively.


2. Price


Price refers to the amount of money customers need to pay to acquire the product or service.

Pricing strategies can vary widely, including options like cost-plus pricing, value-based pricing, and competitive pricing.


The price needs to align with the perceived value of the product, the target market's willingness to pay, and the company's overall financial goals.


3. Place (Distribution)


Place involves decisions related to how the product will be distributed and made available to customers. This includes selecting distribution channels such as direct sales, retail stores, online platforms, or partnerships with other businesses.


The goal is to ensure that the product reaches the target customers in the most efficient and convenient way.


4. Promotion


Promotion encompasses all the activities a company undertakes to communicate and market its product to the target audience. This includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, social media marketing, and other promotional strategies.


The objective is to create awareness, generate interest, and persuade potential customers to choose the company's product over competitors'.


New Product Case Interview Example


Case Background


You are a consultant working with a leading technology company that is considering launching a new product – a smart fitness tracker.


The company believes there's a growing market for wearable fitness devices that can track health metrics and provide personalized insights. They want to assess the feasibility and potential success of this new product in the market.


How to Solve


1. Understand the case


Write down and summarize the major case details about launching a smart fitness tracker. The main point of the case is that the company wants to assess the feasibility of introducing this new product to the market.


2. Clarify the objectives


Confirm your understanding with the interviewer. Make sure you're clear on what the company is looking to achieve with the smart fitness tracker launch.


3. Structure your approach


Develop a framework. This will help you systematically analyze the situation.


A potential framework may look like the following:


What is the attractiveness of the smart fitness tracker market?


  • What is the market size?


  • What is the market growth rate?


  • What are average profit margins in the market?


How strong is our product?


  • How do customers like our product?


  • Does our product solve a pain point for customers?


  • What is our product’s differentiating features?


How does our product compare to competitors’ products?


  • What are some competing products?


  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of these competing products?


What are the financial implications?


  • How much market share can we capture?


  • What are expected revenues?


  • What are expected costs?


4. Gather and analyze Information


Start by asking questions to gather information. This new product case interview may dive deeper into any of the following topics:


Analyze the market


  • Determine the size and growth rate of the wearable fitness device market


  • Identify trends, such as increasing interest in health monitoring


  • Analyze demographics of potential users (age, fitness levels, etc.)


Assess the competition


  • Identify existing players in the smart fitness tracker market


  • Evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, and product offerings


  • Determine if there's a gap in the market that the new product could fill


Evaluate the product


  • Examine its features and capabilities


  • Identify its unique selling points (water resistance, advanced tracking, etc.)


  • Consider how these features address customer needs better than existing trackers


Set a pricing strategy


  • Analyze the cost of production and technology


  • Research the pricing of similar products in the market


  • Decide on a pricing strategy that reflects the product's value proposition


Consider distribution channels


  • Consider online sales, retail partnerships, and direct sales


  • Assess which channels would reach the target audience most effectively


Think through promotion and marketing


  • Identify potential channels for promotion (social media, health magazines, etc.)


  • Create an advertising plan to highlight unique features


  • Develop partnerships with fitness influencers for endorsements


Project financials


  • Calculate potential revenue based on pricing and market size


  • Factor in production costs, marketing expenses, and distribution expenses


  • Calculate the expected return on investment and break-even point


5. Propose a recommendation


Based on your analysis, summarize your findings and recommendations. Highlight how the proposed strategies leverage market trends, address customer needs, and differentiate the smart fitness tracker in a competitive market.

Another New Product Case Interview Example

Below is another new product case interview. This case focuses on pricing and comes from BCG.

For more practice, check out our article on 23 MBA consulting casebooks with 700+ free practice cases.


Land Your Dream Consulting Job


Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.