Top Boutique Consulting Firms in 2024: 32 to Apply to

Top boutique consulting firms

If you’re looking to break into consulting, you may have considered applying to boutique consulting firms.


While boutique consulting firms are smaller than top-tier firms such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain and large consulting firms such as Deloitte and Accenture, boutique consulting firms still offer competitive compensation, quick career progression, and typically have more specialized expertise in a particular niche.


In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about boutique consulting firms, including which are the top firms, what working at a boutique consulting firm is like, and how to determine which boutique consulting firm is right for you.


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What is a Boutique Consulting Firm?


A boutique consulting firm is a small to mid-sized firm that specializes in providing highly customized advisory services to clients, typically focusing on a particular industry, function, or other niche.


While boutique consulting firms may lack the global reach and extensive resources of larger firms, they compensate with deep industry expertise, agility, and a client-centric approach.


Unique Characteristics


One of the defining characteristics of boutique consulting firms is their specialization. Rather than offering a broad range of services across multiple industries, boutique firms focus on specific areas where they can excel.


This specialization allows them to develop in-depth knowledge and insights, enabling them to deliver targeted solutions that address the unique challenges faced by their clients.


Another distinguishing feature is the personalized approach they adopt towards client engagements. Boutique consulting firms prioritize building strong relationships with their clients and often work closely with them to understand their specific needs and objectives.


This hands-on approach fosters collaboration and ensures that solutions are tailored to meet the client's requirements effectively.


The Role of Boutique Consulting Firms


Boutique consulting firms play a vital role in the consulting industry by offering specialized expertise and niche services that complement the offerings of larger firms.


While larger firms may dominate the market with their extensive resources and global presence, boutique firms provide clients with an alternative option that emphasizes quality, customization, and agility.


They are typically willing to take on smaller clients that larger consulting firms typically turn down. Boutique consulting firms also work closely with clients to develop innovative or unique solutions rather than repeating solutions developed from prior client engagements.


Lastly, boutique consulting firms may have expertise in a very specific area that larger consulting firms may be lacking.


Top Boutique Consulting Firms


Below, we’ve compiled a list of 32 of the top boutique consulting firms. These firms were pulled together based on their brand name and expertise.


  • Aminad Consulting: A boutique management consulting firm dedicated to generating realistic and implementable change, with a focus on federal agencies, particularly the Department of Defense


  • Applied Value Consulting: A management consulting and investment firm focused on enhancing clients' financial value and delivering lean, expedient growth solutions, with a strong commitment to social impact work


  • Bates White: A firm with a strong reputation in economic and litigation consulting, known for recruiting top talent directly from PhD programs and offering top-tier economic consulting career opportunities


  • BPM LLP: Offers advisory services related to business transformation, managed services, and technology solutions


  • Bridgespan: A social sector-focused consulting firm formed as an offshoot of Bain, providing services in areas such as nonprofit strategy and philanthropy


  • Cambridge Group: Helps clients identify profitable new growth opportunities, optimize portfolios, unearth breakthrough innovation, and enhance brand equity, offering services across various strategic areas


  • Chartis: A comprehensive healthcare advisory firm dedicated to helping clients create a healthcare system that works better for everyone


  • Censeo Consulting: A boutique consulting firm specializing in the government contracting space, known for its work-life-friendly environment and quality assignments


  • Cicero: A management consulting firm focused on implementing data-driven strategies for organizations globally, helping clients develop internal capacities to support sustainable change


  • Clarkston Consulting: Focuses on the consumer products, retail, and life sciences industries, with over 30 years of experience


  • ClearView: A boutique management consulting firm known for its expertise in life sciences consulting


  • Coherent Economics: An economic consulting firm delivering data-driven insights and strategic guidance to businesses, policymakers, and legal professionals


  • Cornerstone Research: Specializes in economic and financial analysis for law firm clients and government agencies, supporting expert testimony in commercial litigation and regulatory proceedings


  • Darby Consulting: A management consulting firm offering services related to strategy, technology, and transformation for clients in various industries


  • DayBlink Consulting: Provides strategic execution and operations consulting to Fortune 500 companies, fast-start advisory services to startups, and pro bono consulting to nonprofits


  • DeciBio Consulting: An agile life sciences consultancy offering employees the excitement of a startup environment merged with the deep content knowledge of a larger consulting firm


  • Eagle Hill: A family-run, woman-owned firm known for its unconventional consulting approach, encouraging boldness, experimentation, and innovation in client engagements


  • Epsilon Economics and Epsilon Life Sciences: Provides specialist economics, litigation, and governance services, with a strong focus on the life sciences sector


  • ghSMART: A consulting firm specializing in advising CEOs, boards, and investors on high-stake leadership challenges


  • Ignyte Group: A boutique consulting firm specializing in the automation and modernization of business processes, known for its tech-savvy, fast-paced environment


  • Insigniam: Specializes in enterprise-wide transformation, transformational leadership, and managing change


  • Insight Sourcing: Offers strategic sourcing and procurement consulting services, helping clients optimize their procurement operations and achieve cost savings


  • Kepler Cannon: Helps financial institutions adapt to market disruptions, including digital technologies and emerging market opportunities, offering an entrepreneurial environment with diverse project exposure


  • Kenway Consulting: Specializes in technology solution delivery, enterprise program leadership, and information insight, focusing on transforming businesses through the enablement of process and technology


  • Keystone Group: Provides services related to growth strategy, operational improvement, turnaround, and M&A


  • LeapPoint: Provides transformational support to streamline, upgrade, and organize processes for clients in various industries, with expertise in enterprise-level innovation and cross-functional collaboration


  • LifeSci Consulting: Offers global strategy, operations, and transactions advisory services to clients in the life sciences sector


  • Poirier Group: Delivers sustainable process and performance improvements for medium-to-large businesses


  • PRECISIONadvisors: A global consulting firm specializing in pricing and market access consulting for pharmaceutical and life sciences clients


  • Putnam: Committed to revolutionizing life sciences consulting and bringing out the best in its team, providing practical industry knowledge and exceptional value to clients


  • SciVida: Focuses exclusively on life sciences consulting, combining deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in market assessment, analytics, and strategy development


  • ScottMadden Management Consultants: A generalist boutique with deep expertise in the Energy sector, offering a diversified approach to consulting across a range of capabilities and services


Boutique Consulting Firm Recruiting


Boutique consulting firm recruiting follows a similar process to that of larger consulting firms.


While boutique firms may not have the same level of brand recognition as their larger counterparts, they attract top talent through their specialized focus, unique culture, and opportunities for rapid growth and skill development.


The recruiting process for boutique consulting firms typically involves several stages, including initial screening, interviews, and sometimes additional assessments or presentations. Here's a general overview of what to expect:


  • Networking: Candidates may have the opportunity attend networking events, informational interviews, and engage with current employees to learn more about the firm and make connections


  • Resume Screening: Similar to larger firms, boutique consulting firms begin by reviewing consulting resumes to identify candidates with relevant experience, skills, and academic backgrounds


  • Initial Interview: Qualified candidates are invited to participate in an initial interview, which may be conducted by a recruiter or a member of the consulting team. This interview may focus on behavioral questions, career aspirations, and fit with the firm's culture


  • Case Interviews: Candidates who pass the initial interview stage are usually asked to complete one or more case interviews. These case interviews assess the candidate's problem solving abilities, analytical skills, and ability to communicate and present solutions effectively



  • Final Interview: Successful candidates may be invited to consulting final round interviews, which may include meetings with senior consultants or partners. These interviews may delve deeper into the candidate's experience, expertise, and fit with the firm's values and objectives


When preparing for the recruiting process with boutique consulting firms, it's essential to research each firm thoroughly to understand its focus areas, client base, company culture, and values.


Boutique Consulting Firm Career Progression


Unlike larger firms with structured training programs, boutique consulting firms foster an environment where consultants are empowered to take on challenging projects, develop specialized expertise, and advance their careers at their own pace.


Hands-On Learning Opportunities


From the very beginning, consultants at boutique firms are immersed in real-world client engagements, providing them with valuable hands-on experience.


Whether conducting market research, analyzing data, or crafting strategic recommendations, consultants are actively involved in every aspect of the consulting process.


This immersive learning approach allows consultants to quickly develop practical skills and gain a deep understanding of consulting methodologies and best practices.


Personalized Mentorship and Guidance


At boutique consulting firms, career progression is often facilitated through personalized mentorship and guidance from experienced consultants and firm leadership.


With smaller teams and flatter organizational structures, consultants have direct access to senior professionals who can provide individualized coaching, feedback, and career advice.


This mentorship not only accelerates consultants' learning curves but also helps them navigate career decisions and seize growth opportunities within the firm.


Continuous Learning and Development Initiatives


While formal training programs may be less common in boutique consulting firms, they prioritize continuous learning and development through a variety of initiatives.


Consultants are encouraged to pursue external certifications, attend industry conferences, and participate in internal knowledge-sharing sessions to enhance their skills and stay abreast of industry trends.


Additionally, boutique firms often invest in tailored learning experiences, such as workshops and seminars, to address specific skill gaps and development areas identified for their consultants.


Advancement Opportunities


Career advancement within a boutique consulting firm is typically merit-based and driven by performance, initiative, and contributions to the firm's success.


Consultants who consistently deliver exceptional results, demonstrate leadership potential, and contribute to the firm's growth are often rewarded with increased responsibilities, client-facing roles, and opportunities for promotion to more senior positions.


With a focus on recognizing and nurturing talent from within, boutique consulting firms offer a clear pathway for career advancement and professional growth.


Boutique Consulting Firm Culture


Culture plays a critical role in shaping the work environment, values, and overall experience within a boutique consulting firm.


Unlike some larger firms, boutique consulting firms often cultivate a distinct culture characterized by close-knit teams, entrepreneurial spirit, and a strong emphasis on collaboration, creativity, and innovation.


Close-Knit Teams and Collaboration


At boutique consulting firms, the emphasis is placed on fostering close-knit teams where consultants collaborate closely to tackle complex problems and deliver high-quality solutions to clients.


With smaller team sizes, consultants have the opportunity to build strong relationships, share knowledge, and leverage each other's expertise effectively.


This collaborative culture promotes teamwork, communication, and a sense of camaraderie among team members, creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.


Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation


Boutique consulting firms often embody an entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging consultants to think outside the box, take initiative, and drive innovation in their work.


Consultants are empowered to explore new ideas, challenge conventional thinking, and develop creative solutions tailored to each client's unique needs.


This entrepreneurial mindset fosters a culture of innovation, risk-taking, and continuous improvement, where consultants are encouraged to push boundaries, experiment with new approaches, and drive positive change within the firm and with clients.


Client-Centric Approach


A key distinction of boutique consulting firm culture is an extremely strong focus on client satisfaction and delivering tangible value to clients.


Consultants are deeply invested in understanding their clients' businesses, challenges, and objectives and strive to develop tailored solutions that address their specific needs effectively.


This client-centric approach fosters trust, credibility, and long-term partnerships with clients, as consultants go above and beyond to exceed expectations and drive impactful results.


Meritocracy and Recognition


Boutique consulting firms often operate as meritocracies, where recognition and advancement are based on individual performance, contributions, and results.


Consultants who demonstrate excellence, leadership, and a commitment to the firm's success are rewarded with opportunities for career advancement, increased responsibilities, and recognition within the organization.


This culture of meritocracy fosters a sense of accountability, motivation, and healthy competition among consultants, driving continuous improvement and excellence in client service delivery.


Work Life Balance


While consulting is known for its demanding work schedules, boutique consulting firms often prioritize work life balance and employee well-being more so than other large consulting firms.


With a focus on maintaining a healthy work life balance, boutique firms offer flexible work arrangements, remote working options, and supportive policies that allow consultants to manage their workload effectively while pursuing personal interests and commitments outside of work.


This approach promotes high employee satisfaction, morale, and retention, as consultants feel valued and empowered to achieve success both professionally and personally.


Boutique Consulting Firm Compensation


Compensation is a significant consideration for consultants evaluating job opportunities within boutique consulting firms.


While boutique firms may not always offer the same level of base salary and benefits as larger consulting firms, they often compensate with other perks, such as performance-based bonuses, profit sharing, and unique incentives tailored to the firm's culture and values.


Base Salary


Base salary for consultants at boutique consulting firms typically falls within a competitive range compared to consulting industry standards. While base salaries may vary depending on factors such as geographic location, level of experience, and specialization, boutique firms strive to offer competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent in the market.


Performance-Based Bonuses


In addition to base salary, consultants at boutique firms may be eligible for performance-based bonuses tied to individual and firm-wide performance metrics. These bonuses are typically awarded annually or semi-annually and are based on factors such as project profitability, client satisfaction, and overall firm performance.


Performance-based bonuses incentivize consultants to deliver high-quality work, achieve targets, and contribute to the firm's success, aligning their financial rewards with their performance and impact on the firm.


Profit Sharing and Equity Ownership


Some boutique consulting firms offer profit sharing or equity ownership opportunities to consultants as part of their compensation package. Profit sharing allows consultants to share in the firm's financial success and growth by receiving a portion of the firm's profits distributed among eligible employees.


Similarly, equity ownership grants consultants ownership stakes in the firm, giving them a vested interest in the firm's long-term success.


Profit sharing and equity ownership align consultants' interests with the firm's objectives and foster a sense of ownership, loyalty, and commitment among employees.


Unique Incentives and Perks


Boutique consulting firms may offer unique incentives and perks to enhance their compensation packages and differentiate themselves in the market. These incentives may include signing bonuses, retention bonuses, referral bonuses, professional development stipends, and flexible benefits programs tailored to individual consultants' needs and preferences.


Additionally, boutique firms may offer non-monetary perks such as flexible work arrangements, remote working options, and wellness programs to support consultants' overall well-being and work life balance.


Total Compensation Package


When evaluating compensation offers from boutique consulting firms, consultants should consider the total compensation package, including base salary, performance-based bonuses, profit sharing or equity ownership opportunities, and additional incentives and perks.


While base salary is an important component of compensation, consultants should also weigh other factors such as career advancement opportunities, firm culture, work life balance, and long-term growth potential when making decisions about their compensation package.


By assessing the total value proposition offered by boutique firms, consultants can make informed decisions that align with their career goals and financial objectives.


Boutique Consulting Firm Exit Opportunities


Exit opportunities refer to the career paths and opportunities available to consultants who transition out of boutique consulting firms into other industries or roles. While boutique consulting firms offer valuable experience and skill development, consultants may eventually choose to pursue new opportunities for career advancement, specialization, or personal growth.


Here's a closer look at the exit opportunities commonly pursued by consultants leaving boutique consulting firms:


Industry Roles


Many consultants transition into industry roles within the sectors they previously served as consultants. These roles may include positions in corporate strategy, business development, operations management, finance, marketing, and other functional areas.


Consultants leverage their consulting experience, industry knowledge, and problem solving skills to secure roles that offer greater specialization, leadership opportunities, and potential for career growth within specific industries or companies.


Entrepreneurship and Startups


Some consultants are drawn to entrepreneurship and startups, leveraging their consulting experience, analytical skills, and business acumen to launch their own ventures or join early-stage startups.


Consultants may pursue opportunities to become founders, co-founders, or key team members at startups, where they can apply their consulting expertise to drive innovation, growth, and success in new and emerging markets.


Entrepreneurship offers consultants the opportunity to take on leadership roles, build their own businesses, and pursue their passion for driving change and creating value.


Graduate Education


Consultants looking to deepen their knowledge, acquire new skills, or pivot into new industries may pursue graduate education, such as an MBA or specialized master's programs.


Graduate education offers consultants the opportunity to gain advanced expertise, expand their professional network, and position themselves for career advancement in fields such as finance, entrepreneurship, technology, healthcare, and more.


Many boutique consulting firms support consultants' pursuit of graduate education through sponsorship, tuition reimbursement, and flexible leave policies.


Public Sector and Nonprofit Organizations


Some consultants transition into roles within the public sector, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations, where they can apply their consulting experience to address complex societal challenges, drive policy change, and make a positive impact on communities and populations.


Roles in the public sector and nonprofit sector may include positions in government consulting, international development, public policy, social impact, and philanthropy.


Consultants may be attracted to these roles for their mission-driven focus, opportunities for meaningful work, and potential for social impact and change.


Specialized Consulting Firms


Consultants leaving boutique consulting firms may transition to roles at other specialized consulting firms or boutique firms focused on niche industries, functional areas, or service offerings.


These firms may offer opportunities for deeper specialization, industry expertise, and client-focused solutions within specific domains such as healthcare, technology, energy, sustainability, and more.


Consultants may leverage their consulting experience to pursue roles as subject matter experts, practice leaders, or industry specialists, providing tailored solutions to clients in specialized markets.


Tips for Applying to Boutique Consulting Firms


Applying to boutique consulting firms requires a strategic approach and careful preparation to stand out among a competitive pool of candidates.


Whether you're a recent graduate, experienced professional, or career changer, these tips will help you navigate the application process and increase your chances of success:


1. Research the Firm


Before applying to boutique consulting firms, thoroughly research each firm to understand its industry focus, service offerings, culture, and values. Tailor your application materials and interview responses to align with the firm's unique characteristics and demonstrate your genuine interest in joining their team.


2. Network Strategically


Leverage your professional network, alumni connections, and informational interviews to learn more about boutique consulting firms and build relationships with current employees or alumni. Networking can provide valuable insights, referrals, and mentorship opportunities to support your application and increase your visibility within the firm.


3. Tailor Your Application


Customize your application materials, including your resume and cover letter, to highlight your fit with each boutique consulting firm's culture, values, and requirements. Address specific qualifications, experiences, and attributes that align with the firm's needs and demonstrate your potential contribution to their team.


If you need help with your consulting resume, check out our consulting resume review and editing service to transform your resume into one that will land multiple interviews.


4. Highlight Relevant Experiences and Achievements


Showcase your relevant experience, skills, and achievements in your resume, cover letter, and interviews. Emphasize projects, internships, coursework, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your analytical abilities, problem solving skills, leadership potential, and client-facing experience relevant to consulting.


5. Demonstrate Impact


Quantify your accomplishments and impact in previous roles to demonstrate your ability to drive results and deliver value. Use metrics, numbers, and specific examples to illustrate your contributions, such as revenue growth, cost savings, process improvements, and client satisfaction ratings.


6. Showcase Analytical Skills


Highlight your analytical skills and aptitude for data-driven problem solving in your application materials and interviews. Demonstrate your ability to structure complex problems, analyze data, draw insights, and develop actionable recommendations to address business challenges effectively.


During case interviews, your case interview math skills will be put to the test.


7. Prepare for Case Interviews


Practice case interviews extensively to familiarize yourself with the case interview format and develop your problem solving and communication skills. Use resources such as casebooks, online platforms, and mock interviews to hone your case-solving techniques and refine your approach to structuring cases, conducting analyses, and delivering recommendations.


To learn the most effective case interview strategies and save yourself hundreds of hours of prep time, check out our comprehensive case interview course.


8. Prepare for Behavioral or Fit Interviews


Be prepared to discuss your motivations, career goals, and fit with the firm during consulting behavioral or fit interviews. Reflect on why you're interested in consulting, why you're specifically interested in the firm, and how your background, skills, and values align with the firm's culture and mission.


To be ready for 98% of behavioral and fit interview questions in just a few hours, check out our consulting behavioral & fit interview course.


9. Be Professional and Polished


Present yourself professionally throughout the application process, from submitting your application materials to participating in interviews. Pay attention to details, communicate clearly and confidently, and demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude in all interactions with the firm's representatives.


10. Follow Up with People


After interviews or networking events, follow up with thank you notes or emails to express your gratitude for the opportunity to connect and reiterate your interest in the firm. Personalized follow-up messages can leave a positive impression and reinforce your enthusiasm and commitment to joining the firm.


How to Determine Which Boutique Consulting Firm is Right for You


Choosing the right boutique consulting firm is a critical decision that can significantly impact your career trajectory, job satisfaction, and professional development.


With numerous boutique firms offering diverse industry focuses, service offerings, cultures, and career paths, it's essential to evaluate your priorities, preferences, and goals to determine which firm is the best fit for you.


Here are some key factors to consider when assessing boutique consulting firms:


Industry Focus


Consider the industries and sectors that interest you most and align with your career goals. Evaluate boutique consulting firms that specialize in your preferred industries, such as healthcare, technology, finance, consumer goods, or energy.


Choosing a firm with expertise in your target industries can provide opportunities for deeper specialization, industry knowledge, and client exposure in areas that interest you most.


Service Offerings


Assess the range of services and solutions offered by boutique consulting firms, including strategy, operations, technology, finance, organizational design, and more.


Determine whether the firm's service offerings align with your skillset, interests, and career aspirations. Look for firms that offer opportunities to work on diverse projects and develop expertise in areas that complement your strengths and passions.


Company Culture


Evaluate the culture, values, and working environment of boutique consulting firms to ensure alignment with your preferences and work style. Research factors such as team dynamics, collaboration, mentorship, work life balance, and diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Seek out firms that foster a supportive, inclusive, and collaborative culture where you can thrive personally and professionally.


Size and Structure


Consider the size and structure of boutique consulting firms and how they may impact your experience and career progression.


Some consultants prefer smaller boutique firms for their tight-knit teams, personalized attention, and opportunities for greater responsibility and client exposure. Others may prefer larger boutique firms for their resources, scale, and potential for international projects or cross-functional collaboration.


Client Base


Examine the client base and portfolio of boutique consulting firms to understand the types of clients they serve and the industries they operate in. Look for firms with a diverse client base spanning different sectors, geographies, and company sizes.


Consider whether you're interested in working with specific types of clients, such as Fortune 500 companies, startups, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations, and choose a firm with clients that align with your interests and goals.


Career Development Opportunities


Assess the career development opportunities and advancement potential offered by boutique consulting firms. Look for firms that invest in training, mentorship, professional development, and leadership opportunities to support your growth and progression within the firm.


Consider whether the firm offers clear pathways for advancement, promotion criteria, and opportunities for specialization or leadership roles that align with your long-term career goals.


Geographic Presence


Consider the geographic presence and office locations of boutique consulting firms and how they may impact your mobility, travel requirements, and lifestyle preferences.


Evaluate whether the firm has offices in locations that interest you or offer opportunities for regional or international assignments. Consider your willingness to travel and relocate for client engagements and choose a firm with a geographic footprint that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.


Reputation and Track Record


Research the reputation, track record, and client testimonials of boutique consulting firms to gauge their credibility, expertise, and success in delivering value to clients. Seek out firms with a proven track record of excellence, client satisfaction, and impact in the consulting industry.


Consider factors such as industry awards, rankings, client testimonials, and alumni networks when assessing the reputation and credibility of boutique firms.


Compensation and Benefits


Evaluate the compensation, benefits, and perks offered by boutique consulting firms to ensure competitiveness and alignment with your financial needs and expectations. Research factors such as base salary, performance bonuses, profit sharing, healthcare benefits, retirement plans, professional development stipends, and other incentives offered by the firm.


Consider how compensation and benefits packages compare to other firms in the industry and whether they meet your financial goals and lifestyle needs.


Gut Feeling and Fit


Trust your instincts and assess your overall fit with boutique consulting firms based on your interactions with recruiters, employees, and alumni. Pay attention to your gut feeling and evaluate factors such as rapport, cultural fit, shared values, and mutual respect during interviews and networking events.


Choose a firm where you feel valued, inspired, and excited about the opportunity to contribute and grow as a consultant.


Recommended Boutique Consulting Firm Interview Resources


As you start preparing for your boutique consulting firm interviews, here are our recommended resources to help give you the best chances of landing a consulting offer:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


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  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.